

2014/10/15 ¤U¤È 10:12:23

iphone Programming Glossary: originalimage

Dispelling the UIImage imageNamed: FUD


version. I can't see it is worth the maintentace but here it is for completeness. CGImageRef originalImage uiImage.CGImage CFDataRef imageData CGDataProviderCopyData CGImageGetDataProvider originalImage CGDataProviderRef.. originalImage uiImage.CGImage CFDataRef imageData CGDataProviderCopyData CGImageGetDataProvider originalImage CGDataProviderRef imageDataProvider CGDataProviderCreateWithCFData imageData CFRelease imageData CGImageRef.. imageData CFRelease imageData CGImageRef image CGImageCreate CGImageGetWidth originalImage CGImageGetHeight originalImage CGImageGetBitsPerComponent originalImage CGImageGetBitsPerPixel originalImage..

Dispelling the UIImage imageNamed: FUD


also included some example code to build your own optimised version. I can't see it is worth the maintentace but here it is for completeness. CGImageRef originalImage uiImage.CGImage CFDataRef imageData CGDataProviderCopyData CGImageGetDataProvider originalImage CGDataProviderRef imageDataProvider CGDataProviderCreateWithCFData.. the maintentace but here it is for completeness. CGImageRef originalImage uiImage.CGImage CFDataRef imageData CGDataProviderCopyData CGImageGetDataProvider originalImage CGDataProviderRef imageDataProvider CGDataProviderCreateWithCFData imageData CFRelease imageData CGImageRef image CGImageCreate CGImageGetWidth originalImage CGImageGetHeight.. originalImage CGDataProviderRef imageDataProvider CGDataProviderCreateWithCFData imageData CFRelease imageData CGImageRef image CGImageCreate CGImageGetWidth originalImage CGImageGetHeight originalImage CGImageGetBitsPerComponent originalImage CGImageGetBitsPerPixel originalImage CGImageGetBytesPerRow originalImage CGImageGetColorSpace..

Save Photos to Custom Album in iPhones Photo Library


NSError error code snipped out getimage from imagePicker and resize it to the max size of the iPhone screen UIImage originalImage info objectForKey UIImagePickerControllerOriginalImage UIImage resizedImage util_ createThumbnailForImage originalImage.. info objectForKey UIImagePickerControllerOriginalImage UIImage resizedImage util_ createThumbnailForImage originalImage thumbnailSize util_ determineIPhoneScreenSize NSData imageData UIImagePNGRepresentation resizedImage code snipped out ..

iPhone: Blur UIImage


Slicing up a UIImage on iPhone


to 320x320 pixels slice up the image into 16 80x80 images save the 16 images in an array. Here's my code CGImageRef originalImage resizedImage finalImage tmp float imgWidth imgHeight diff UIImage squareImage playImage NSMutableArray tileImgArray int.. finalImage tmp float imgWidth imgHeight diff UIImage squareImage playImage NSMutableArray tileImgArray int r c originalImage image CGImage imgWidth image.size.width imgHeight image.size.height diff fabs imgWidth imgHeight if imgWidth imgHeight resizedImage.. image.size.height diff fabs imgWidth imgHeight if imgWidth imgHeight resizedImage CGImageCreateWithImageInRect originalImage CGRectMake floor diff 2 0 imgHeight imgHeight else resizedImage CGImageCreateWithImageInRect originalImage CGRectMake 0..

UIImage resize (Scale proportion) [duplicate]


params to achieve what you want. The first line of code just grabs the image. grab the original image UIImage originalImage UIImage imageNamed @ myImage.png scaling set to 2.0 makes the image 1 2 the size. UIImage scaledImage UIImage imageWithCGImage..

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are performaed using alloc and init combination NSXMLParser xmlParser NSXMLParser alloc initWithData xmlData UIImage originalImage UIImage alloc initWithData data detailViewController DetailViewController alloc initWithNibName @ DetailView bundle NSBundle..

Dispelling the UIImage imageNamed: FUD


build your own optimised version. I can't see it is worth the maintentace but here it is for completeness. CGImageRef originalImage uiImage.CGImage CFDataRef imageData CGDataProviderCopyData CGImageGetDataProvider originalImage CGDataProviderRef imageDataProvider.. CGImageRef originalImage uiImage.CGImage CFDataRef imageData CGDataProviderCopyData CGImageGetDataProvider originalImage CGDataProviderRef imageDataProvider CGDataProviderCreateWithCFData imageData CFRelease imageData CGImageRef image CGImageCreate.. CGDataProviderCreateWithCFData imageData CFRelease imageData CGImageRef image CGImageCreate CGImageGetWidth originalImage CGImageGetHeight originalImage CGImageGetBitsPerComponent originalImage CGImageGetBitsPerPixel originalImage CGImageGetBytesPerRow..