

2014/10/15 ¤U¤È 10:12:24

iphone Programming Glossary: outputs

iPhone SDK: EXC_BAD_ACCESS with CFRelease for ABAddressBookRef


gdb 966 .... Attaching to process 21747. kill quit The Debugger has exited with status 0. gdb Pressing Continue outputs EXC_BAD_ACCESS message. Xcode shows that the latest executed string in my code was CFRelease addressBookRef iphone sdk..

What does the Tiler Utilization statistic mean in the iPhone OpenGL ES instrument?


yourself. In the current configuration it starts a little benchmark every time you load a new molecular structure and outputs the triangles s to the console. iphone opengl es instruments share improve this question The Tiler Utilization and..

Symbolicating iPhone App Crash Reports


is indexed by spotlight. What now I have tried invoking symbolicatecrash crashreport.crash myApp.app.dSYM and it just outputs the same text that is in the crash report to start with not symbolicated. Am I doing something wrong Any help would be greatly..

How to start a project with both outputs iPhone & iPad?


to start a project with both outputs iPhone iPad Using the Pre Release Xcode 3.2.3 I get this as a Startup Project What should I chose do to great a project..

Determining the magnitude of a certain frequency on the iPhone


of the DFT FFT is complex. You most likely want to take the magnitude of this. If you need to compute even a few DFT outputs it may be better to just use the FFT function available and get all the output samples instead of calculating just the output..

CLLocationManager on iPhone Simulator fails with kCLErrorDomain Code=0


delegate receives the message didFailWithError. This method is implemented to log the error and the console outputs the following Error Domain kCLErrorDomain Code 0 The operation couldn ™t be completed. kCLErrorDomain error 0. I was working..

stringByAddingPercentEscapesUsingEncoding not working with NSStrings with ' 0'


Using the apple FFT and accelerate Framework


from info.plist that tells the project to load a xib but I'm 90 sure you don't need to bother with that. NOTE Program outputs to console results come out as 0.000 that's not an error it's just very very fast This code is really stupidly obscure it..

iPhone SDK 4 AVFoundation - How to use captureStillImageAsynchronouslyFromConnection correctly?


AVLayerVideoGravityResizeAspectFill self.view.layer addSublayer self.prevLayer Setup the default file outputs AVCaptureStillImageOutput _stillImageOutput AVCaptureStillImageOutput alloc init autorelease NSDictionary outputSettings..

Drawing waveform with AVAssetReader


while reader.status AVAssetReaderStatusReading AVAssetReaderTrackOutput trackOutput AVAssetReaderTrackOutput reader.outputs objectAtIndex 0 CMSampleBufferRef sampleBufferRef trackOutput copyNextSampleBuffer if sampleBufferRef what I gonna do with.. version of the averaging and render methods see the end of this message for the alternate version comparison outputs. I personally prefer the original linear version but have decided to post it in case someone can improve on the algorithm.. 50 while reader.status AVAssetReaderStatusReading AVAssetReaderTrackOutput trackOutput AVAssetReaderTrackOutput reader.outputs objectAtIndex 0 CMSampleBufferRef sampleBufferRef trackOutput copyNextSampleBuffer if sampleBufferRef CMBlockBufferRef blockBufferRef..

iPhone: How to read application logs from device


extract the application data and you will find the logs there. Now in order to tell your app to redirect the NSLog outputs to a file you should do something like this NSArray paths NSSearchPathForDirectoriesInDomains NSDocumentDirectory NSUserDomainMask..

Reporting incorrect bounds in landscape Mode


viewDidLoad with same results If I start the application while holding the device in landscape orientation the NSLog outputs Bounds Height 1004.000000 Bounds Width 768.000000 What do I need to do to get the correct results I am new to this iOS programming..

Realtime Audio/Video Streaming FROM iPhone to another device (Browser, or iPhone)


RTMP . There is an H.264 encoder chip on the iPhone 3GS. The problem is that it is not stream oriented. That is it outputs the metadata required to parse the video last. This leaves you with a few options. Get the raw data and use FFmpeg to encode..

What causes “Missed Method” in this code?


delegate respondsToSelector selector ' piece. Alternatively would anybody be able to rewrite the NSLog line so that it outputs more relevant detail about the problem I tried this in the hopes of seeing which selector is not going through 'respondsToSelector'..

NSLog into file


data from console or catching messages iphone objective c share improve this question Option 1 Use ASL NSLog outputs log to ASL Apple's version of syslog and console meaning it is already writing to a file in your Mac when you use the iPhone..

Watching memory usage in iOS


free space and watch how things are going while you test your app. This function logs any change in usage 100kb. It outputs to the debug log like this on the simulator the free space is huge 2011 11 02 21 55 58.928 hello 971 207 Memory used 21884.9..

Recording Audio and Video using AVFoundation frame by frame


they use an AVAssetReader for input it reencodes a movie file instead of the Camera and microphone... You can use the outputs mentioned above as the input in your case to write what you want That should be all you need in order to achieve what you..

iPhone take augmented reality screenshot with AVCaptureVideoPreviewLayer


queue captureOutput setVideoSettings videoSettings dispatch_release queue ......configure audio feed add inputs and outputs buffer delegate callback void captureOutput AVCaptureOutput captureOutput didOutputSampleBuffer CMSampleBufferRef sampleBuffer..

Will my iPhone app take a performance hit if I use Objective-C for low level code?


project in and of itself and can take a considerable amount of time. Maybe this isn't one project but two and only the outputs can be compared. I'm looking for hard data not evangelism. Like many of you I love and hate both languages for various reasons...