

2014/10/15 ¤U¤È 10:12:25

iphone Programming Glossary: overlayview

iPhone: How to draw line between two points on MapKit?


added as simply adding won't help . MKOverlayView mapView MKMapView mapView viewForOverlay id overlay MKOverlayView overlayView nil if overlay self.routeLine if we have not yet created an overlay view for this overlay create it now. if nil self.routeLineView..

Drawing route partially not getting required output in iPhone MapView


to draw actual route MKOverlayView mapView MKMapView mapView viewForOverlay id MKOverlay overlay MKPolylineView overlayView MKPolylineView alloc initWithOverlay overlay overlayView.lineWidth 2 overlayView.strokeColor UIColor purpleColor overlayView.fillColor.. mapView viewForOverlay id MKOverlay overlay MKPolylineView overlayView MKPolylineView alloc initWithOverlay overlay overlayView.lineWidth 2 overlayView.strokeColor UIColor purpleColor overlayView.fillColor UIColor purpleColor colorWithAlphaComponent.. id MKOverlay overlay MKPolylineView overlayView MKPolylineView alloc initWithOverlay overlay overlayView.lineWidth 2 overlayView.strokeColor UIColor purpleColor overlayView.fillColor UIColor purpleColor colorWithAlphaComponent 0.1f return overlayView..

iPhone SDK - How to disable the picture preview in UIImagePickerController?


can use the OverlayView.m and OverlayView.h by adding them to your project I made the custom picker toolbar picker and overlayView global so that I can access them anywhere in the project. In your ViewController.h @class OverlayView @interface ViewController.. @class OverlayView @interface ViewController bla bla... UIImagePickerController picker UIToolbar toolBar OverlayView overlayView I created the controls of the toolbar a camera button and the cancel button toolbar handy if you want to be able to exit.. target nil action nil autorelease nil toolBar setItems items create the overlay view overlayView OverlayView alloc initWithFrame CGRectMake 0 0 320 480 44 autorelease important it needs to be transparent so the camera..

AirPlay button on custom view


Use a MPVolumeView and add it to your view hierarchy MPVolumeView myVolumeView MPVolumeView alloc initWithFrame overlayView.bounds overlayView addSubview myVolumeView myVolumeView release The MPVolumeView provides the volume slider and the route.. and add it to your view hierarchy MPVolumeView myVolumeView MPVolumeView alloc initWithFrame overlayView.bounds overlayView addSubview myVolumeView myVolumeView release The MPVolumeView provides the volume slider and the route button see image..

Show route between current and desired location on iPhone MapView


in .h MKMapViewDelegate MKOverlayView mapView MKMapView mapView viewForOverlay id MKOverlay overlay MKOverlayView overlayView nil MKPolylineView _routeLineView MKPolylineView alloc initWithPolyline self.routeLine autorelease _routeLineView.fillColor..