

2014/10/15 ¤U¤È 10:12:25

iphone Programming Glossary: overlaywindow

Adding view on StatusBar in iPhone


can now for example in a view controller in your application create an instance of your new class and make it visible. overlayWindow ACStatusBarOverlayWindow alloc initWithFrame CGRectZero overlayWindow.hidden NO Be aware of messing with the window key.. instance of your new class and make it visible. overlayWindow ACStatusBarOverlayWindow alloc initWithFrame CGRectZero overlayWindow.hidden NO Be aware of messing with the window key status by using void makeKeyAndVisible or similar. If you make your main..

Hiding master view in split view app..?


@end @interface AppDelegate NSObject UIApplicationDelegate MyViewController overlayController UIWindow overlayWindow UIWindow window the main window that contains your splitview UINavigationController navigationController or split view.. void click id sender overlayController.view removeFromSuperview overlayController release overlayController nil overlayWindow.hidden YES overlayWindow release overlayWindow nil BOOL application UIApplication application didFinishLaunchingWithOptions.. overlayController.view removeFromSuperview overlayController release overlayController nil overlayWindow.hidden YES overlayWindow release overlayWindow nil BOOL application UIApplication application didFinishLaunchingWithOptions NSDictionary launchOptions..

How can I keep the keyboard present even when presenting a modal view controller?


window. Connect the window to an outlet on your view controller. I called the outlet otherWindow in my test code but overlayWindow would be a better name. The outlet needs to be declared strong or retain . In your view controller implement these methods..