

2014/10/15 ¤U¤È 10:12:24

iphone Programming Glossary: outputting

OpenCV.Framework does not compile for the armv7s architecture


were broken which was strange but they were easy to fix. After they were fixed it behaved exactly as n9986 described outputting libraries compiled for both armv7 and armv7s. For my purposes however I required that they be bundled into a .framework..

UILabel - setting font - typeface programmatically in iPhone


to use the name of the bold font within the family. To find out if there is a bold version of American Typewriter try outputting UIFont fontNamesForFamilyName @ AmericanTypewriter to the console. In this case you should use AmericanTypewriter Bold ...

Bar translucency gone in iOS 7.0.3


barTintColor seems to take into account the alpha value of the color we set. This meant that the nav bar was actually outputting a solid color 17 63 95 and there was no blur effect. The key to getting the blur effect back is setting an alpha 1 in the..

How do i get an image from the iOS photo library and display it in in UIWebview


from the iOS photo library and display it in in UIWebview Ive seen a lot of examples where you use the UIImage for outputting an image. I would like the output to be set to a UIWebview because I want to put some additional HTML formatting around..

How to convert an NSString to hex values


anyone else interested. Update2 So the method I posted above actually doesn't output what I'm looking for. Instead of outputting hex values in 0 f format it was instead outputting all numbers. I finally got back to working on this problem and was able.. above actually doesn't output what I'm looking for. Instead of outputting hex values in 0 f format it was instead outputting all numbers. I finally got back to working on this problem and was able to write a category for NSString that exactly duplicates..

Convert Special Characters for RTF


to something that can be correctly represented in an RTF file I am taking text stored in a string on the iPad and outputting it as an RTF file using NSASCIIStringEncoding. So far so good. What I've neglected to do successfully is take into account..

mySQL database to iPhone app


ish web service that sends out JSON. This is straightforward and doesn't require a lot of programming expertise outputting JSON via PHP requires a single line of code and the request to grab the data requires only a handful for example. On the..

Memory leaks destroying my application?


app is crashing and it's not because of a memory leak you'll be able to tell this because you'll have memory warnings outputting to the console then chances are your problem isn't a leak. Perhaps it's a bad access you're over releasing in which case..

How can I format a date in Objective-C similar to the jquery.timeago library?


I accomplish formatting them in the same manner as the jquery.timeago plugin on the web That is taking in a date and outputting things like 'just now' '2 minutes ago' '24 days ago' 'a month ago' I see there is an NSDate extension class here with methods..