

2014/10/15 ¤U¤È 10:12:24

iphone Programming Glossary: outputurl

Video Recording using AVFoundation Framework iPhone?


NSURL tempFileURL NSString outputPath NSString alloc initWithFormat @ @ @ NSTemporaryDirectory @ output.mov NSURL outputURL NSURL alloc initFileURLWithPath outputPath NSFileManager fileManager NSFileManager defaultManager if fileManager fileExistsAtPath.. NSFileManager defaultManager if fileManager fileExistsAtPath outputPath NSLog @ file saved outputPath release return outputURL autorelease AVCaptureConnection connectionWithMediaType NSString mediaType fromConnections NSArray connections for AVCaptureConnection..

Simultaneous AVCaptureVideoDataOutput and AVCaptureMovieFileOutput


NSURL tempFileURL NSString outputPath NSString alloc initWithFormat @ @ @ NSTemporaryDirectory @ camera.mov NSURL outputURL NSURL alloc initFileURLWithPath outputPath NSFileManager fileManager NSFileManager defaultManager if fileManager fileExistsAtPath.. outputPath NSFileManager defaultManager removeItemAtPath outputPath error nil outputPath release return outputURL autorelease void captureOutput AVCaptureFileOutput captureOutput didStartRecordingToOutputFileAtURL NSURL fileURL fromConnections..

iPhone:Programmatically compressing recorded video to share?


or AVAssetWriter . Also read up on how iOS manages Assets . void convertVideoToLowQuailtyWithInputURL NSURL inputURL outputURL NSURL outputURL handler void ^ AVAssetExportSession handler NSFileManager defaultManager removeItemAtURL outputURL error.. . Also read up on how iOS manages Assets . void convertVideoToLowQuailtyWithInputURL NSURL inputURL outputURL NSURL outputURL handler void ^ AVAssetExportSession handler NSFileManager defaultManager removeItemAtURL outputURL error nil AVURLAsset.. outputURL NSURL outputURL handler void ^ AVAssetExportSession handler NSFileManager defaultManager removeItemAtURL outputURL error nil AVURLAsset asset AVURLAsset URLAssetWithURL inputURL options nil AVAssetExportSession exportSession AVAssetExportSession..