

2014/10/15 ¤U¤È 10:12:24

iphone Programming Glossary: overlaying

How to insert UIImageView in UITextView in the same way that iphone default message (SMS) app uses to insert multimedia content in the UITextView


They're not using a UITextView but instead some custom view. That sort of thing is difficult to replicate. They are overlaying a UIImageView over the UITextView as a subview and setting the contentInset of the UITextView so there is no overlap. They..

iPhone playing video in custom view: Example Code Please?


view Example Code Please I'm wanting to put together an application which plays video fullscreen with an interface overlaying it that basically chooses the video that is played underneath it think 'Gym Babes' but nowhere near as risqé . I don't wish..

sizeWithFont doesn't give correct height for UITextView if there is a long string in the text being wrapped


3rd option but it sounds like it should work so perhaps I did something wrong. I'm going to try using a UILabel and overlaying buttons for hyperlinks. We'll see how that turns out. If that fails there is always the option taken by Loren Brichter of..

UIScrollView and Cocos2D


so touches get generated in the OpenGLView touch view and get translated to the same view. However if you add overlaying subviews to receive touches such as a UIScrollView 'touch view' will have this value which no longer corresponds to the..

UIView “suck” animation


Clean autorotation transitions in a paging UIScrollView


of the first image. The farther away I get from the first image the faster the swing. I can probably mask this by overlaying an opaque UIView before rotation and hiding it after. But that's a hack. There must be an elegant way to do this... iphone..

iPhone: Adding a Done button within a pop up DatePicker frame


plus I'm not sure how to place the button inside the pickerSize frame itself. BTW The DatePicker and Button are overlaying a scrollView if that matters. UIButton button UIButton buttonWithType UIButtonTypeRoundedRect button setTitle @ Done forState..

iPhone Watermark on recorded Video.


share improve this question Use AVFoundation . I would suggest grabbing frames with AVCaptureVideoDataOutput then overlaying the captured frame with the watermark image and finally writing captured and processed frames to a file user AVAssetWriter..

Overlay an image over another image in iOS


iOS i am displaying thumbnail images from youtube in my iOS app. which upon click will go to youtube. I need a way of overlaying a play button onto those images. What might be the most straightforward way of doing so Also the images are remotely loaded..

iPhone take augmented reality screenshot with AVCaptureVideoPreviewLayer


would like to know how to save a screenshot of what the user sees with a tap of a button or a timer. The app works by overlaying live camera feed above another UIView. I can save screenshots by using power button home button these are saved to camera..