

2014/10/15 ¤U¤È 10:12:24

iphone Programming Glossary: outputdevice

How to get real time video stream from iphone camera and send it to server?


AVCaptureDeviceInput deviceInputWithDevice cameraDevice error deviceError make output device AVCaptureVideoDataOutput outputDevice AVCaptureVideoDataOutput alloc init outputDevice setSampleBufferDelegate self queue dispatch_get_main_queue initialize capture.. error deviceError make output device AVCaptureVideoDataOutput outputDevice AVCaptureVideoDataOutput alloc init outputDevice setSampleBufferDelegate self queue dispatch_get_main_queue initialize capture session AVCaptureSession captureSession AVCaptureSession.. captureSession AVCaptureSession alloc init autorelease captureSession addInput inputDevice captureSession addOutput outputDevice make preview layer and add so that camera's view is displayed on screen AVCaptureVideoPreviewLayer previewLayer AVCaptureVideoPreviewLayer..

Upload live streaming video from iPhone like Ustream or Qik


AVCaptureDeviceInput deviceInputWithDevice cameraDevice error deviceError make output device AVCaptureVideoDataOutput outputDevice AVCaptureVideoDataOutput alloc init outputDevice setSampleBufferDelegate self queue dispatch_get_main_queue initialize capture.. error deviceError make output device AVCaptureVideoDataOutput outputDevice AVCaptureVideoDataOutput alloc init outputDevice setSampleBufferDelegate self queue dispatch_get_main_queue initialize capture session AVCaptureSession captureSession AVCaptureSession.. captureSession AVCaptureSession alloc init autorelease captureSession addInput inputDevice captureSession addOutput outputDevice make preview layer and add so that camera's view is displayed on screen AVCaptureVideoPreviewLayer previewLayer AVCaptureVideoPreviewLayer..

Uploading live streaming video from iPhone [duplicate]


AVCaptureDeviceInput deviceInputWithDevice cameraDevice error deviceError make output device AVCaptureVideoDataOutput outputDevice AVCaptureVideoDataOutput alloc init outputDevice setSampleBufferDelegate self queue dispatch_get_main_queue initialize capture.. error deviceError make output device AVCaptureVideoDataOutput outputDevice AVCaptureVideoDataOutput alloc init outputDevice setSampleBufferDelegate self queue dispatch_get_main_queue initialize capture session AVCaptureSession captureSession AVCaptureSession.. captureSession AVCaptureSession alloc init autorelease captureSession addInput inputDevice captureSession addOutput outputDevice make preview layer and add so that camera's view is displayed on screen AVCaptureVideoPreviewLayer previewLayer AVCaptureVideoPreviewLayer..

Need an API that detects when an iPhone is plugged in


each in the variable deviceIntf and then pushes them to somewhere useful for the rest of the program. If you check out outputDevice locationID deviceNumber lower down in the same source file you'll see that GetDescriptor can seemingly be used on an IOUSBDeviceDescriptor..