

2014/10/15 ¤U¤È 10:12:25

iphone Programming Glossary: overload

Improving Finger Painting Performance


though. Duplicate point checking would be much faster with an NSMutableSet if you pixel align your CGPoints and overload isEqual on your Point object. Do make sure you're pixel aligning your data. Drawing on fractional pixels and storing them..

Comparison between TestFlight Live, QuincyKit and Crashlytics


account my goal and my needs By using TestFlight Live or Crashlytics I would make my app too slow Is there a risk to overload the device Reports provided by QuincyKit are precise enough How many information can I retrieve from them Thanks Here is..

Is it possible to NOT dismiss a UIAlertView


view is dismissed. iphone cocoa touch uialertview share improve this question Yes. Subclass UIAlertView and then overload dismissWithClickedButtonIndex animated e.g. @implementation MyAlertView void dismissWithClickedButtonIndex NSInteger buttonIndex..

Bug in iPad's html5 canvas drawimage() implementation?


debugging I think I have found a bug in the iPad Safari's implementation of canvas.drawImage . Specifically this overload void drawImage in HTMLImageElement image in float sx in float sy in float sw in float sh in float dx in float dy in float..

iOS4 - fast context switching


UIViewControllers that retained and referenced back up the tree circular references . A way you can debug this is to overload retain and release in your UIViewController and set a break point and log the retainCount. Here is a magic snippet I leave..

CADisplayLink OpenGL rendering breaks UIScrollView behaviour


onto the queue if one isn't in the middle of executing. That way the CADisplayLink can fire continuously but it won't overload the queue with pending rendering actions if a frame takes longer than 1 60th of a second to process. Again I tried this..

How do I prevent Core Animation blocking my main thread?


place on the calling thread usually the main thread . This setup might take longer than 1 30th of a second which would overload your main thread. You goal should be to minimize the amount of interaction with Core Animation. If you have a complex but..

Custom UINavigationBar Background


not done in my root controller as per the example iphone objective c share improve this question You just have to overload drawRect like that @implementation UINavigationBar CustomImage void drawRect CGRect rect UIImage image UIImage imageNamed..

Rotate a Sprite on a bezier path with touch - Cocos2D/Box2D


by bezier function. algoritm is quite fast i have permanent initialization of 100 guides and it works without CPU overload. Each bezier curve is an array with 8 floats x1 y1 x2 y2 x3 y3 x4 y4. where x1 y1 and x4 y4 are the arc's end points and..

iOS Stream Audio from one iOS Device to Another


MusicAudio Conceptual AudioQueueProgrammingGuide Introduction Introduction.html I am just lost. Information overload. I've implemented Cocoa With Love's Audio Stream code but I can't figure out how to take the NSData I receive through GameCenter..