

2014/10/15 ¤U¤È 10:12:24

iphone Programming Glossary: overlay

How would I tint an image programatically on the iPhone?


UIImageView and override the drawRect method. Your class needs a UIColor property let's call it overlayColor to hold the blend color and a custom setter that forces a redraw when the color changes. Something.. a redraw when the color changes. Something like this void setOverlayColor UIColor newColor if overlayColor overlayColor release overlayColor newColor retain self setNeedsDisplay fires off drawRect each.. when the color changes. Something like this void setOverlayColor UIColor newColor if overlayColor overlayColor release overlayColor newColor retain self setNeedsDisplay fires off drawRect each time color changes..

Observing pinch multi-touch gestures in a UITableView


methods including this one Similar question But while I can create a UIViewTouch object and overlay it onto my UITableView scroll events are not being relayed to my UITableView I can still select cells..

Is there a good tutorial for implementing an augmented reality iPhone application? [closed]


iPhone and go from there. Basically you will create a UIImagePickerController the Camera class and overlay information on the view via a custom .cameraOverlayView which is a property of UIImagePickerController..

Fast and Lean PDF Viewer for iPhone / iPad / iOs - tips and hints?


image on the disk and always generate two to three images in advance in a separate thread. I don't overlay with a UIImage but instead draw the image in the layer when zooming is 1. Those tiles will be released..

Locking the Fields in MFMailComposeViewController


the link below. Then I have put together some code that sends the email with a nice please wait overlay. I have attached an image of what this looks like while its running for the few seconds it takes . Please.. from the internet after searching for it forever. The zip file that you can download includes the overlay images that I created for user feedback. It has both @2x and regular. You will have to go into interface.. displayed loadingLabel.alpha 0 everything else is its own function void sendEmail create soft wait overlay so the user knows whats going on in the background. self createWaitOverlay the guts of the message...

How would I tint an image programatically on the iPhone?


share improve this question First you'll want to subclass UIImageView and override the drawRect method. Your class needs a UIColor property let's call it overlayColor to hold the blend color and a custom setter that forces a redraw when the color changes. Something like this void setOverlayColor UIColor newColor if overlayColor.. to hold the blend color and a custom setter that forces a redraw when the color changes. Something like this void setOverlayColor UIColor newColor if overlayColor overlayColor release overlayColor newColor retain self setNeedsDisplay fires off drawRect each time color changes In the drawRect method you'll want to draw.. the blend color and a custom setter that forces a redraw when the color changes. Something like this void setOverlayColor UIColor newColor if overlayColor overlayColor release overlayColor newColor retain self setNeedsDisplay fires off drawRect each time color changes In the drawRect method you'll want to draw the image first..

Observing pinch multi-touch gestures in a UITableView


a pinch in out on top of a UITableView I have looked at several methods including this one Similar question But while I can create a UIViewTouch object and overlay it onto my UITableView scroll events are not being relayed to my UITableView I can still select cells and they respond properly by triggering a transition to a..

Is there a good tutorial for implementing an augmented reality iPhone application? [closed]


to do is look at the location and camera frameworks for the iPhone and go from there. Basically you will create a UIImagePickerController the Camera class and overlay information on the view via a custom .cameraOverlayView which is a property of UIImagePickerController in 3.0 . You will probably want to get information location..

Fast and Lean PDF Viewer for iPhone / iPad / iOs - tips and hints?


the same approach except I cache the generated image on the disk and always generate two to three images in advance in a separate thread. I don't overlay with a UIImage but instead draw the image in the layer when zooming is 1. Those tiles will be released automatically when memory warnings are issued. Whenever the..

Locking the Fields in MFMailComposeViewController


share improve this question Download the framework from the link below. Then I have put together some code that sends the email with a nice please wait overlay. I have attached an image of what this looks like while its running for the few seconds it takes . Please note I take no credit for creating the SMTP framework... no credit for creating the SMTP framework. It was downloaded from the internet after searching for it forever. The zip file that you can download includes the overlay images that I created for user feedback. It has both @2x and regular. You will have to go into interface builder and create the label though that says sending test.. this in ViewDidLoad set loading label to alpha 0 so its not displayed loadingLabel.alpha 0 everything else is its own function void sendEmail create soft wait overlay so the user knows whats going on in the background. self createWaitOverlay the guts of the message. SKPSMTPMessage testMsg SKPSMTPMessage alloc init testMsg.fromEmail..

How would I tint an image programatically on the iPhone?


want to subclass UIImageView and override the drawRect method. Your class needs a UIColor property let's call it overlayColor to hold the blend color and a custom setter that forces a redraw when the color changes. Something like this void setOverlayColor.. setter that forces a redraw when the color changes. Something like this void setOverlayColor UIColor newColor if overlayColor overlayColor release overlayColor newColor retain self setNeedsDisplay fires off drawRect each time color changes In.. that forces a redraw when the color changes. Something like this void setOverlayColor UIColor newColor if overlayColor overlayColor release overlayColor newColor retain self setNeedsDisplay fires off drawRect each time color changes In the drawRect..

Observing pinch multi-touch gestures in a UITableView


I have looked at several methods including this one Similar question But while I can create a UIViewTouch object and overlay it onto my UITableView scroll events are not being relayed to my UITableView I can still select cells and they respond properly..

Is there a good tutorial for implementing an augmented reality iPhone application? [closed]


frameworks for the iPhone and go from there. Basically you will create a UIImagePickerController the Camera class and overlay information on the view via a custom .cameraOverlayView which is a property of UIImagePickerController in 3.0 . You will..

Adding the “Clear” Button to an iPhone UITextField


in Interface Builder. iphone cocoa touch uikit uitextfield share improve this question This button is a built in overlay that is provided by the UITextField class but as of the iPhone OS 2.2 SDK there isn't any way to set it via Interface Builder...

Fast and Lean PDF Viewer for iPhone / iPad / iOs - tips and hints?


cache the generated image on the disk and always generate two to three images in advance in a separate thread. I don't overlay with a UIImage but instead draw the image in the layer when zooming is 1. Those tiles will be released automatically when..

Restrict MKMapView scrolling


image to an MKMapView as an MKOverlayView I need to restrict users from being able to scroll outside the bounds of the overlay. Are there any existing functions to do this Or any other suggestions Thanks Matt iphone map scrolling mkmapview overlay.. Are there any existing functions to do this Or any other suggestions Thanks Matt iphone map scrolling mkmapview overlay share improve this question If you just want to freeze the map view at the overlay you could set the map view's region.. iphone map scrolling mkmapview overlay share improve this question If you just want to freeze the map view at the overlay you could set the map view's region to the overlay's bounds and set scrollEnabled and zoomEnabled to NO . But that won't..

iPhone:Programmatically compressing recorded video to share?


Programmatically compressing recorded video to share I have implemented an overlay view when calling camera view before recording the video. pickerController.cameraOverlayView myOverlay Video recording and..

Locking the Fields in MFMailComposeViewController


the framework from the link below. Then I have put together some code that sends the email with a nice please wait overlay. I have attached an image of what this looks like while its running for the few seconds it takes . Please note I take no.. It was downloaded from the internet after searching for it forever. The zip file that you can download includes the overlay images that I created for user feedback. It has both @2x and regular. You will have to go into interface builder and create.. alpha 0 so its not displayed loadingLabel.alpha 0 everything else is its own function void sendEmail create soft wait overlay so the user knows whats going on in the background. self createWaitOverlay the guts of the message. SKPSMTPMessage testMsg..

iPhone: Camera Preview Overlay


Camera Preview Overlay how do I add an overlay UIImageView to the camera preview and handle touches on this My previous attempts to do this e.g...

Overlay on top of Streaming MPMoviePlayerController


on top of Streaming MPMoviePlayerController I went through the example from apple MoviePlayer on iPhone Im trying to overlay.. a few seconds later and add your overlay NSTimer scheduledTimerWithTimeInterval 5 target self selector @selector addMyOverlay userInfo nil repeats FALSE Or you can listen for the UIWindowDidBecomeKeyNotification event and do the same NSNotificationCenter..

UIImage color changing?


resultUIImage UIImage imageWithCGImage newImage scale 2 orientation 0 CGImageRelease newImage return resultUIImage Overlay With Color UIImage getImageWithTintedColor UIImage image withTint UIColor color withIntensity float alpha CGSize size image.size.. alpha 1.0 CGContextSetFillColorWithColor context color.CGColor CGContextSetBlendMode context kCGBlendModeOverlay CGContextSetAlpha context alpha CGContextFillRect UIGraphicsGetCurrentContext CGRectMake CGPointZero.x CGPointZero.y image.size.width..

Adding MKPolyline Overlay to MKMapView crashes application


MKPolyline Overlay to MKMapView crashes application My application was working fine on iOS6 but it is crashing on iOS 7 due to bad access.. MKPolyline alloc init polyline MKPolyline polylineWithCoordinates coordinates count numberOfSteps directionMap addOverlay polyline This is the crash log lldb bt thread #51 tid 0x1cc5 0x38755f8c libdispatch.dylib`dispatch_retain VARIANT mp 8 stop.. address 0x0 frame #0 0x38755f8c libdispatch.dylib`dispatch_retain VARIANT mp 8 frame #1 0x3598dbc8 VectorKit` VKRasterOverlayTileSource init 176 frame #2 0x358cfd24 VectorKit` VKMapModel _rasterOverlayTileSourceForLevel 308 frame #3 0x358d0226 VectorKit`..

UISearchBar: Changing the appearance - Shape, Background, Overlay an Image


Changing the appearance Shape Background Overlay an Image I'd like to change the appearance of the default UISearchBar. As an example how would you recreate the search..

UITextView with Syntax Highlighting [duplicate]


. Now available in iOS 3.2 and greater. But how would I put a NSAttributedString into a UITextView UIWebView . Overlay it when the user finished editing and color the text with CSS stylesheets. But how would I do this in a UIWebView giving..

Restrict MKMapView scrolling


MKMapView scrolling I'm trying to add a custom image to an MKMapView as an MKOverlayView I need to restrict users from being able to scroll outside the bounds of the overlay. Are there any existing functions.. built in ways to restrict the map view to the overlay's bounds so you'd have to do it manually. First make sure your MKOverlay object implements the boundingMapRect property. That can then be used in the regionDidChangeAnimated delegate method to.. if manuallyChangingMapRect prevents possible infinite recursion when we call setVisibleMapRect below return theOverlay below is a reference to your MKOverlay object. It could be an ivar or obtained from mapView.overlays array. BOOL mapContainsOverlay..

cocos2d: playing a video in the background of a menu


therefore realized the MPMoviePlayerController actually creates its own window and its own view. Some post like this Overlay on top of Streaming MPMoviePlayerController suggest to intercept the event the new window is loaded and only then adding..

iPhone Mapkit adding custom image and pins to annotations


help me out that would be great Thanks EDIT The mapView delegate is assigned in the viewDidLoad method. I also add an Overlay to a certain part of the map. This is working fine I have also taken it out and tried it without that incase it was causing.. kCLLocationAccuracyBest locationManager startUpdatingLocation locationManager startUpdatingHeading add overlay MKRasterOverlay overlay MKRasterOverlay alloc init overlay setCoordinate CLLocationCoordinate2DMake 54.005508 2.780507 MKMapRect mkrect.. locationManager startUpdatingLocation locationManager startUpdatingHeading add overlay MKRasterOverlay overlay MKRasterOverlay alloc init overlay setCoordinate CLLocationCoordinate2DMake 54.005508 2.780507 MKMapRect mkrect MKMapPoint mkpointa mkpointb..

iOS 4.3 changed transformation on UIImagePickerController's camera overlay view


alloc init imagePicker.delegate self imagePicker.sourceType UIImagePickerControllerSourceTypeCamera cameraOverlay UIView alloc initWithFrame CGRectMake 0 0 200 200 cameraOverlay.backgroundColor UIColor clearColor cameraOverlay.userInteractionEnabled.. UIImagePickerControllerSourceTypeCamera cameraOverlay UIView alloc initWithFrame CGRectMake 0 0 200 200 cameraOverlay.backgroundColor UIColor clearColor cameraOverlay.userInteractionEnabled NO add subviews to camera Overlay imagePicker.cameraOverlayView.. cameraOverlay UIView alloc initWithFrame CGRectMake 0 0 200 200 cameraOverlay.backgroundColor UIColor clearColor cameraOverlay.userInteractionEnabled NO add subviews to camera Overlay imagePicker.cameraOverlayView pauseButton Any ideas what I have..

iPhone MKMapView - MKPolygon Issues


array of CLLocationCoordinate2d MKPolygon polygon MKPolygon polygonWithCoordinates coords count coordsLen mapView addOverlay polygon MKOverlayView mapView MKMapView mapView viewForOverlay id MKOverlay overlay MKPolygonView polygonView MKPolygonView.. MKPolygon polygon MKPolygon polygonWithCoordinates coords count coordsLen mapView addOverlay polygon MKOverlayView mapView MKMapView mapView viewForOverlay id MKOverlay overlay MKPolygonView polygonView MKPolygonView alloc initWithPolygon.. coords count coordsLen mapView addOverlay polygon MKOverlayView mapView MKMapView mapView viewForOverlay id MKOverlay overlay MKPolygonView polygonView MKPolygonView alloc initWithPolygon routePolygon NSLog @ Attempting to add..

iOS - How to limit the MapView to a specific region?


MapView to a specific region I have the following problem I have a drawn map image which I add to the MapView as an Overlay. No Problem with that.. but I need to limit the MapView to the region of the Overlay so a user isn't able to scroll zoom.. which I add to the MapView as an Overlay. No Problem with that.. but I need to limit the MapView to the region of the Overlay so a user isn't able to scroll zoom outside of this region.. but it should be possible to scroll zoom inside the bounds..

Overlay an image over another image in iOS


an image over another image in iOS i am displaying thumbnail images from youtube in my iOS app. which upon click will go..

Overlay Color Blend in OpenGL ES / iOS / Cocos2d


Color Blend in OpenGL ES iOS Cocos2d I'm trying to apply BlendModes to a GreyScale image in order to have reusable static.. margin . This doesn't require blending. Edit for updated question Desired results I think you mixed up Multiply and Overlay captions up there. In all those cases this is done using either glEnable GL_ALPHA_TEST glAlphaFunc GL_GEQUAL 0.995 not using.. The effects are not created by setting the blend function or mode but by texture environment or shader. The Overlay actually multiply effect corresponds to the GL_MODULATE texture environment mode. Or in terms of a shader gl_FragColor texture2D..

iPhone take augmented reality screenshot with AVCaptureVideoPreviewLayer


queue else handle failure previewLayer AVCaptureVideoPreviewLayer layerWithSession captureSession UIView aView arOverlayView previewLayer.frame CGRectMake 0 0 arOverlayView.frame.size.width arOverlayView.frame.size.height Assume you want the.. layerWithSession captureSession UIView aView arOverlayView previewLayer.frame CGRectMake 0 0 arOverlayView.frame.size.width arOverlayView.frame.size.height Assume you want the preview layer to fill the view. aView.layer addSublayer.. captureSession UIView aView arOverlayView previewLayer.frame CGRectMake 0 0 arOverlayView.frame.size.width arOverlayView.frame.size.height Assume you want the preview layer to fill the view. aView.layer addSublayer previewLayer captureSession..