

2014/10/15 ¤U¤È 10:12:24

iphone Programming Glossary: overlaps

libraries to CAPTURE panorama in iOS 6


the camera and design a decent user interface to assist the user in taking the right kind of pictures eg with good overlaps . If you want to look at an existing project using openCV here is one for android that claims to do what you are after different..

How to “transfer” first responder from one UIView to another?


of all touches events Began Moved Ended Cancelled . I also have a UIButton that is a sibling of CustomView that overlaps it. For example my view hierarchy looks like this UIView Controller's view CustomView with frame 0 0 300 300 UIButton with..

How can I do variable height table cells on the iPhone properly?


heights. Notice how the bottom cell is the correct size it's just overlapping the previous cell and the previous cell overlaps its previous and so on and so forth. Also using this method while scrolling there is some artifacting occurring which I..

Changing Views from UISegmentedControl


turn off the other UIViews so I invariably select the wrong element on the canvas. Also IB complains that This view overlaps one of its siblings in the info dialog. What is the approach I should be taking given that I would like all of the views..

iPhone: UINavigationBar with buttons - adjust the height


UINavigationItem with UIBarButtonItem doesn't shrink. So for the 34 px in the landscape mode this button is to big and overlaps the navbar in the height. The funny thing is though that this worked with identical code in other apps... have no idea which..

Network Activity Monitoring on iPhone


iPhone SDK: Setting the size of UISearchDisplayController's table view


to resize it. Also note that if you simply assign tableView.frame otherTableView.frame the search results table overlaps its corresponding search bar so it is impossible to clear or cancel the search My final code looked like this void searchDisplayController..

UITableView section index overlaps search bar


section index overlaps search bar Hi I want to display a section index in an UITableView with a search bar in the table view header not section..

Layered UIViewControllers overlaps status bar


UIViewControllers overlaps status bar Following this tutorial and this question I attempted to create a custom UIViewController containing a UINavigationController.. UINavigationController . This mostly worked except that the controller takes up the full screen and so the status bar overlaps it. Downloading the tutorial's source and running it I found that the tutorial had the same problem it uses a UITableViewController..

How do I detect whenever two UIImageView overlap?


from left to right the other one is touch draggable. iI want NSLog to show up a message on console whenever imagetwo overlaps imageone. How Do I do this iphone objective c iphone sdk 3.0 ios4 share improve this question You can use the CGRectIntersectsRect..

Changing the size of the UISearchBar TextField?


UISearchBar TextField I have a UITableView with an Index on the side I want to add a UISearchBar to it but the index overlaps with the x to clear the search. I've noticed in the Contacts application the textfield within the UISearchBar is resized..

keyboard in UIActionSheet does not type anything


though visually the action sheet is on top. Your action sheet is 380 pixels high so when the keyboard slides out it overlaps with the action sheet. Perhaps in this case it is the action sheet stealing the keyboard's taps Try making the action sheet..

Saving and retriving value into NSUserDefault in IPhone


from userdefault and display. But With the help of this code only new data i can retrive that meand last data get overlaps to new data. Please give me the solution how to resolve this. NSLog @ The dict value is @ favourites iphone share improve..

labels in custom cell overlaps


in custom cell overlaps I have customized the cell with four labels initially it looks fine but when I scroll and then select a cell labels from.. the cell with four labels initially it looks fine but when I scroll and then select a cell labels from another row overlaps. here is my code. Any help will be highly appreciated. UITableViewCell tableView UITableView tableView cellForRowAtIndexPath..

IOS: How to put some view on top of presented modal view controller?


is some button at certain view controller makes to present some modal view controller. That modal view controller overlaps the spinner. How to make that spinner always be on top of all views or at least on top of that modal view controller I tried..