

2014/10/15 ¤U¤È 10:12:24

iphone Programming Glossary: outputdata

How do I create/render a UIImage from a 3D transformed UIImageView?


CGColorSpaceRef colorSpace CGColorSpaceCreateDeviceRGB unsigned char inputData malloc height width 4 unsigned char outputData malloc height width 4 NSUInteger bytesPerPixel 4 NSUInteger bytesPerRow bytesPerPixel width NSUInteger bitsPerComponent.. CGContextDrawImage context CGRectMake 0 0 width height imageRef CGContextRelease context context CGBitmapContextCreate outputData width height bitsPerComponent bytesPerRow colorSpace kCGImageAlphaPremultipliedLast kCGBitmapByteOrder32Big CGColorSpaceRelease.. p.y _factor int indexInput 4 int p.x 4 width int p.y if p.x width p.x 0 p.y height p.y 0 indexInput width height 4 outputData indexOutput 0.0 outputData indexOutput 1 0.0 outputData indexOutput 2 0.0 outputData indexOutput 3 0.0 else outputData..

Byte Array to UIImage Objective-C


Array to UIImage Objective C I have a Bytearray unsigned char outputData unsigned char malloc sizeof unsigned char w h 4 outputData y h 4 x 4 0 all alpha value outputData y h 4 x 4 1 red red value.. to UIImage Objective C I have a Bytearray unsigned char outputData unsigned char malloc sizeof unsigned char w h 4 outputData y h 4 x 4 0 all alpha value outputData y h 4 x 4 1 red red value outputData y h 4 x 4 2 gre green value outputData y h 4.. unsigned char outputData unsigned char malloc sizeof unsigned char w h 4 outputData y h 4 x 4 0 all alpha value outputData y h 4 x 4 1 red red value outputData y h 4 x 4 2 gre green value outputData y h 4 x 4 3 blu blue value h... total image..