

2014/10/15 ¤U¤È 10:12:23

iphone Programming Glossary: originalimage.imageorientation

UIImage resize (Scale proportion) [duplicate]


iPhone - CGImageCreateWithImageInRect rotating some camera roll pictures


rect.size.height CGImageGetBitsPerComponent imageRef CGImageGetBytesPerRow imageRef colorSpaceInfo bitmapInfo if originalImage.imageOrientation UIImageOrientationLeft CGContextRotateCTM bitmap radians 90 CGContextTranslateCTM bitmap 0 rect.size.height else if originalImage.imageOrientation.. UIImageOrientationLeft CGContextRotateCTM bitmap radians 90 CGContextTranslateCTM bitmap 0 rect.size.height else if originalImage.imageOrientation UIImageOrientationRight CGContextRotateCTM bitmap radians 90 CGContextTranslateCTM bitmap rect.size.width 0 else if originalImage.imageOrientation.. UIImageOrientationRight CGContextRotateCTM bitmap radians 90 CGContextTranslateCTM bitmap rect.size.width 0 else if originalImage.imageOrientation UIImageOrientationUp NOTHING else if originalImage.imageOrientation UIImageOrientationDown CGContextTranslateCTM bitmap..

How to properly crop an image taken on iPhone 4G (with EXIF rotation data)?


You should call this UIImage resultImage UIImage alloc initWithCGImage resultImageRef scale 1.0 orientation originalImage.imageOrientation autorelease The second call embeds rotation information into the UIImage from the original image. Unfortunately that call..