

2014/10/15 ¤U¤È 10:12:23

iphone Programming Glossary: ot

How to make image maps clickable using UIWebview in iphone?


UIWebview in iphone I am looking how to get 'one' and 'park' string value which is image_map coordinates clickable spot on UIwebview's onclick from HTML to iPHone native obj c. I have put the code to get string value but it is not responding...plz.. spot on UIwebview's onclick from HTML to iPHone native obj c. I have put the code to get string value but it is not responding...plz check and help I have updated code with possible answer . Which will be complicated if the image maps and.. script img src map_new123.png width 1500 height 731 border 0 usemap #map a href didTap button1 map name map want ot get below onclick values one and park in to objective c ..... area shape circle coords 1047 262 26 onclick one area shape..

Confused in getting the ManagedObjectContext from AppDelegate


recommend this approach because it's too ridged See link . Why this isn't mention on the iPhone SDK documentation is another mystery My problem is that I've repeated the design pattern as per the Core Data example shown in TopSongs to retrieve.. TopSongs to retrieve a ManagedObjectContext Entity for a child Table View and the following error is produced could not locate an NSManagedObjectModel for entity name 'Song'. Strangely this can be found it on the parent Table View so I presume..

iOS 5.0 crash when reading data from an AVAssetReaderOutput


an AVAssetReaderOutput the method works fine in iOS 4.0 however in 5.0 it crashes towards the end with bad access not sure why anyone have any input AVAssetReaderOutput output myOutputs objectAtIndex 0 int totalBuff 0 while TRUE CMSampleBufferRef.. the end with bad access not sure why anyone have any input AVAssetReaderOutput output myOutputs objectAtIndex 0 int totalBuff 0 while TRUE CMSampleBufferRef ref output copyNextSampleBuffer if ref NULL break copy data to file read next one AudioBufferList.. NSLog @ Gonna write d audioBuffer.mDataByteSize crashes here data appendBytes frame length audioBuffer.mDataByteSize totalBuff CFRelease blockBuffer CFRelease ref fileHandle writeData data data release Thanks Daniel iphone ios audio avfoundation..

write into plist file using NSDictionary object


questions but they don't seem to have some full answers for me. And i try to put it in order so that people will not hate me or my poor english. I am working with Xcode 4.2 with storyboard and ARC I can read from my plist file. My task is.. unchanged. The following are the break down of my questions and my guess for the problem I try to use NSDictionary not NSMutableDictionary and call setValue crash in runtime my guess NSDictionary object itself is readonly so it crash me when.. dict valueForKey @ GlobalValue2 it really return me the updated value. but the content inside of the plist file is not changed. Which is the result I have right now. my guess after some search here and there I think supporting files is read..