

2014/10/15 ¤U¤È 10:12:23

iphone Programming Glossary: ostream

NSStream, UTF8String & NSString… Messy Conversion


stringWithFormat @ USER User @Pass sepString NSLog sendData const uint8_t rawString const uint8_t sendData UTF8String oStream write rawString maxLength sendData length So the final outcome should look like this.. and it does when sendData is first..

NSStream SSL on used socket


my Monal xmpp client and apple has never given me any problems in the app store. NSInputStream iStream NSOutputStream oStream CFStreamCreatePairWithSocketToHost NULL CFStringRef server port iStream oStream iStream open oStream open Once the connection.. NSInputStream iStream NSOutputStream oStream CFStreamCreatePairWithSocketToHost NULL CFStringRef server port iStream oStream iStream open oStream open Once the connection has been opened and you get NSStreamEventOpenCompleted and the startTLS command.. NSOutputStream oStream CFStreamCreatePairWithSocketToHost NULL CFStringRef server port iStream oStream iStream open oStream open Once the connection has been opened and you get NSStreamEventOpenCompleted and the startTLS command has been sent to..

Is there anything like 'getStreamsToHost' on real iPhone device?


NSHost host NSHost hostWithName website host NSStream getStreamsToHost host port 1100 inputStream nil outputStream &oStream oStream retain oStream setDelegate self oStream scheduleInRunLoop NSRunLoop currentRunLoop forMode NSDefaultRunLoopMode.. host NSHost hostWithName website host NSStream getStreamsToHost host port 1100 inputStream nil outputStream &oStream oStream retain oStream setDelegate self oStream scheduleInRunLoop NSRunLoop currentRunLoop forMode NSDefaultRunLoopMode oStream.. website host NSStream getStreamsToHost host port 1100 inputStream nil outputStream &oStream oStream retain oStream setDelegate self oStream scheduleInRunLoop NSRunLoop currentRunLoop forMode NSDefaultRunLoopMode oStream open These codes..