

2014/10/15 ¤U¤È 10:12:24

iphone Programming Glossary: outerror

Creating my own file extension based on plist


you can override the following method of NSDocument BOOL readFromURL NSURL url ofType NSString type error NSError outError and create your dictionary with NSDictionary dictionaryWithContentsOfFile url path retain Hope this helps... share improve..

iCloud basics and code sample [closed]


I'll have to overwrite two methods. First BOOL loadFromContents id contents ofType NSString typeName error NSError outError to get files from the cloud and then id contentsForType NSString typeName error NSError outError to get files into the cloud... error NSError outError to get files from the cloud and then id contentsForType NSString typeName error NSError outError to get files into the cloud. Do I have to incorporate separate functions which will also save a local copy of text.txt into.. _text @synthesize delegate _delegate READING BOOL loadFromContents id contents ofType NSString typeName error NSError outError NSLog @ UIDocument loadFromContents state d typeName @ self.documentState typeName if contents length 0 self.documentText..

How can I use iCloud to synchronize a .zip file between my apps?


application reads data from the file system BOOL loadFromContents id contents ofType NSString typeName error NSError outError self.zipDataContent NSData alloc initWithBytes contents bytes length contents length NSNotificationCenter defaultCenter.. Called whenever the application auto saves the content of a note id contentsForType NSString typeName error NSError outError return self.zipDataContent @end 5 Now somewhere in your app you need to zip folder and sync with icloud. BOOL zipFolder..

iCloud's loadFromContents - how to deal with UIDocumentStateSavingError & UIDocumentStateEditingDisabled


openWithCompletionHandler ^ BOOL success etc BOOL loadFromContents id contents ofType NSString typeName error NSError outError NSLog @ Library loadFromContents state d self.documentState if _books _books NSMutableArray alloc init if self.documentState..

AVAudioPlayer throws breakpoint in debug mode


a breakpoint on this line self.audioPlayer AVAudioPlayer alloc initWithData dataPersister loadData self.fileName error outError autorelease There's no breakpoint above or any place near this line. It only happens when I run the app in debug mode and..