

2014/10/15 ¤U¤È 10:12:23

iphone Programming Glossary: out..

Corelocation incorrect distances


I am getting the cached data initially and also the distance variable is increasing at a sudden rate. Please help me out... I have used the following code.... Note distance is a static var. here void viewDidLoad super viewDidLoad bestEffortAtLocation..

How Do I sort an NSMutable Array with NSNumbers in it?


because I'm more comfortable with it highscores.addObjecttoArray score highscores.sort ascending But I can't figure it out... I've seen other threads about it but their use plist files and stuff and I don't know enough objective c to learn from..

Xcode: Unable to open project… cannot be opened because the project file cannot be parsed


an iPhone app. Today when my battery was low I was working and constantly saving my source files then the power went out... Now when I plugged my computer back in and it is getting good power I try to open my project file and I get an error Unable..

Hide StatusBar from MPMoviePlayerController


iPhone Glossy Icons Using Core Graphics


graphics share improve this question I figured it out on my own after wasting a few hours trying to figure this out... Here's my code static void addRoundedRectToPath CGContextRef context CGRect rect float ovalWidth float ovalHeight float..

Assign a method for didEndOnExit event of UITextField


figure out how to do it in code. iphone cocoa touch uitextfield share improve this question I just figured it out... mytextField addTarget self action @selector methodToFire forControlEvents UIControlEventEditingDidEndOnExit share improve..