

2014/10/15 ¤U¤È 10:12:24

iphone Programming Glossary: out.thanks

How to insert multiple row of data to sqlite database by iphone programming


1 sqlite3_finalize statement Is there any other way to insert multiple row of data in to my table .Please help me out.Thanks. iphone objective c insert sqlite3 share improve this question Try with sprintf statement given below use this statement..

Tab bar in view based application?


to achieve it by using interface builder.please guide me.Any Sample tutorials will be more useful.Please help me out.Thanks. iphone cocoa touch uiview uitabbar share improve this question Try this one. This code for created a tab bar application..

How to set the Tab bar item 1 to be selected by default in iphone?


default break I added the the tab bar in interface builder.Can i do any thing in interface builder Please help me out.Thanks. iphone uitabbar default selected share improve this question tabBar setSelectedItem tabBar.items objectAtIndex item.tag..

Webview resizes automatically to portrait and landscape view in iphone


interfaceOrientation UIInterfaceOrientationLandscapeRight please guide me.Please help me out.Thanks iphone uiwebview landscape screen orientation share improve this question I think you have set the fixed frame for..

How to save a value in a plist file in iphone?


value value plistDict objectForKey @ choice NSLog @ the value is @ value It gives only null value.Please help me out.Thanks. iphone plist share improve this question The resources folder is not writeable. You should save it into the documents..

How to set image to the UISegmentedControl in iphone?


But instead of displaying the title segment1 and segment2 it should be replaced with the images i have.Please help me out.Thanks. iphone uiimage uisegmentedcontrol share improve this question It is almost exactly what you had just pass an array..

How to stop a NSThread in iphone? [duplicate]


a method using NSthread. I want to stop the thread on a click event of button. How can i achieve that Please help me out.Thanks. NSThread detachNewThreadSelector @selector playVideo toTarget self withObject nil iphone nsthread share improve this..

Find out memory leak?


iphone apps.Now this is my first app app is installed but not run I write this code it shows memory leak.please find out.Thanks in advance. ABRecordRef ref CFArrayGetValueAtIndex all i CFStringRef firstName CFStringRef ABRecordCopyValue ref kABPersonFirstNameProperty..

Attach multiple image in mail in iPhone


and attach it to mail. Is there another way to send text and images as excel supported file in iPhone. Please help me out.Thanks. iphone image excel email share improve this question You need to call addAttachmentData mimeType fileName multiple..