

2014/10/15 ¤U¤È 10:12:24

iphone Programming Glossary: outer

How to center a subview of UIView


a subview of UIView I have a UIView inside a UIView m and I want the inner UIView to be always centered inside the outer one without it having to resize the width and height. I've set the struts and springs so that it's on top left right bottom..

iphone sdk - Remove all characters except for numbers 0-9 from a string


iphone nsstring share improve this question You're using a trim method which means that it's only looking at the outer edges of the string. You're probably getting something like 555 555 555 as the phone number correct I'm not aware of an..

How do I modify a GPUImageGaussianSelectiveBlurFilter to operate over a rectangle instead of a circle?


between 0 and 1 when the distance from the center point travels between two thresholds the inner clear circle and the outer fully blurred circle. The mix operator then takes the output from the smoothstep and fades between the blurred and sharp..

Detect touches only on non-transparent pixels of UIImageView, efficiently


or trying to find a transparent path towards an edge might work better. Bonus It'd be nice to differentiate between outer and inner transparent pixels of an image. In the example the transparent pixels inside the zero should also be considered..

SBJson Execptions after parsing (__NSArrayM objectForKey:)


that error because book is an array not a dictionary. If all the results look like this one that is book only has one outer object in it. You can just change the line defining book to NSDictionary book jsonResults objectForKey @ result lastObject..

ToolBar between UINavigationBar and UITableView?


c uitableviewcontroller share improve this question The approach I prefer is to use a UIViewController at the outer level containing your toolbar and a container view that holds the table. Then build your table in a separate UITableViewController..

Inner Shadow in UILabel


Shadow in UILabel is it possible to create such a UILabel with inner and outer shadow i only know shadowColor and shadowOffset zoomed thanks iphone objective c uilabel share improve this question..

Directly accessing nested dictionary values in Objective-C


accessing nested dictionary values in Objective C Is there a way to directly access an inner array of an an outer array in Objective C For example a call to an external data source returns the following object bio this is the profile.bio..

How to detect circular gesture via Gesture Recognizer?


a general approach I'd think of the region for the gesture as a donut shape a zone with center c inner radius r1 and outer radius r2 . When the user touches down you can calculate the distance from c using the Pythagorean theorem and the angle..

How to steal touches from UIScrollView?


properties on it scrollView.delaysContentTouches NO scrollView.canCancelContentTouches NO As one would expect the outer scroll view didn't treat the inner scroll view any different than it treated the picker view so the inner scroll view did..

Create layer mask with custom-shaped hole


.CGColor maskLayer.path path.CGPath UIBezierPath pathOuter UIBezierPath bezierPathWithRect img.frame CAShapeLayer outerLayer CAShapeLayer layer outerLayer.bounds spr boundingBox outerLayer.position spr.position outerLayer.fillColor UIColor.. UIBezierPath pathOuter UIBezierPath bezierPathWithRect img.frame CAShapeLayer outerLayer CAShapeLayer layer outerLayer.bounds spr boundingBox outerLayer.position spr.position outerLayer.fillColor UIColor blackColor .CGColor outerLayer.backgroundColor.. UIBezierPath bezierPathWithRect img.frame CAShapeLayer outerLayer CAShapeLayer layer outerLayer.bounds spr boundingBox outerLayer.position spr.position outerLayer.fillColor UIColor blackColor .CGColor outerLayer.backgroundColor UIColor whiteColor..

UIScrollView : paging horizontally, scrolling vertically?


shows that when you do try hard enough you can make UIScrollView do anything you want . So the strategy is to let the outer scroll view only handle horizontal scrolling and inner scroll views to only handle vertical scrolling. To accomplish that.. direction far enough you want to cancel vertical scrolling and start horizontal scrolling. You want to subclass your outer UIScrollView say you name your class RemorsefulScrollView so that instead of the default behaviour it immediately forwards..

how to drag an uiimage from scrollview to another uiimageview in iphone sdk


subclass to display your images in the scroll view. On the touchesBegan create a new image view and add it to the outer view and set its image to be the same as the one in the scroll view. You need to overlay it directly over your source image.. need to overlay it directly over your source image in the scroll view so adjust its frame origin to be relative to the outer view you will need to use the scrollview origin and also the content view size and offset of the source image view inside.. view size and offset of the source image view inside the content view in order to recalculate the new origin in the outer view. Then on the touches moved simply readjust the frame of this image in accordance with the coordinates from the touches..

Draw glow around inside edge of multiple CGPaths


two circular paths as shown by the left image is it possible to obtain a final CGPathRef which represents only the outer border as shown by the right image Thanks for any help iphone ios quartz 2d cgpath share improve this question What..

Json Passing in iphone


SkillSetIDF null UIDNumber And so on around 500 block like one is here. i easily getField Like FNAME LNAME in sort outer field i Access easily but problem to get DateOfBirth field i was try all the things but nothing work if some one know it..