

2014/10/15 ¤U¤È 10:12:24

iphone Programming Glossary: outfile

How Do I Save What I have Drawn In A CGContext


Is there a simple solution EDIT Based on suggestions below here's what I have so far.... void createImage NSString outFile NSHomeDirectory stringByAppendingPathComponent @ Documents image.png DLog @ creating image file at @ outFile UIImage image.. NSString outFile NSHomeDirectory stringByAppendingPathComponent @ Documents image.png DLog @ creating image file at @ outFile UIImage image UIGraphicsGetImageFromCurrentImageContext NSData imageData UIImagePNGRepresentation image imageData writeToFile.. image UIGraphicsGetImageFromCurrentImageContext NSData imageData UIImagePNGRepresentation image imageData writeToFile outFile atomically NO void drawRect CGRect rect self drawInContext UIGraphicsGetCurrentContext self createImage iphone cocoa..

ExtAudioFileWrite to m4a/aac failing on dual-core devices (ipad 2, iphone 4s)


audioFormat.mBitsPerChannel 0 audioFormat.mReserved 0 return audioFormat The render loop OSStatus err ExtAudioFileRef outFile NSURL mixdownURL NSURL fileURLWithPath filePath isDirectory NO internal data format AudioStreamBasicDescription localFormat.. ExtAudioFileCreateWithURL CFURLRef mixdownURL kAudioFileM4AType mixdownFormat NULL kAudioFileFlags_EraseFile outFile err ExtAudioFileSetProperty outFile kExtAudioFileProperty_ClientDataFormat sizeof AudioStreamBasicDescription localFormat.. mixdownURL kAudioFileM4AType mixdownFormat NULL kAudioFileFlags_EraseFile outFile err ExtAudioFileSetProperty outFile kExtAudioFileProperty_ClientDataFormat sizeof AudioStreamBasicDescription localFormat prep AllRenderData allData allRenderData..