

2014/10/15 ¤U¤È 10:12:23

iphone Programming Glossary: originalwidth

CoreGraphics for retina display


becomes blurry when it is on the retina display UIImage createImageSection UIImage image section CGRect section float originalWidth image.size.width float originalHeight image.size.height int w originalWidth section.size.width int h originalHeight section.size.height.. UIImage image section CGRect section float originalWidth image.size.width float originalHeight image.size.height int w originalWidth section.size.width int h originalHeight section.size.height CGContextRef ctx CGBitmapContextCreate nil w h 8 w 8 CGImageGetColorSpace.. nil w h 8 w 8 CGImageGetColorSpace image CGImage kCGImageAlphaPremultipliedLast CGContextClearRect ctx CGRectMake 0 0 originalWidth section.size.width originalHeight section.size.height w h before CGContextTranslateCTM ctx float originalWidth section.origin.x..

Blur an UIImage on change of slider


NSUInteger gaussFactor andPixelRadius NSUInteger pixelRadius CGImageRef cgImage self.CGImage const size_t originalWidth CGImageGetWidth cgImage const size_t originalHeight CGImageGetHeight cgImage const size_t bytesPerRow originalWidth 4 CGContextRef.. originalWidth CGImageGetWidth cgImage const size_t originalHeight CGImageGetHeight cgImage const size_t bytesPerRow originalWidth 4 CGContextRef context NYXImageCreateARGBBitmapContext originalWidth originalHeight bytesPerRow if context return nil unsigned.. CGImageGetHeight cgImage const size_t bytesPerRow originalWidth 4 CGContextRef context NYXImageCreateARGBBitmapContext originalWidth originalHeight bytesPerRow if context return nil unsigned char srcData destData finalData size_t width CGBitmapContextGetWidth..