

2014/10/15 ¤U¤È 10:12:23

iphone Programming Glossary: origin

Drawing rotated text with NSString drawInRect


is that you're rotating the text to a location outside of the view because it rotates the context by pivoting on the origin. After your rotation you need to do a translation to move the context back into the view. In the example below I rotate.. colorSpace CFArrayRef colors locations CGContextDrawLinearGradient context gradient CGPointMake rect.origin.x rect.size.width 2 rect.origin.y CGPointMake rect.origin.x rect.size.width 2 rect.origin.y rect.size.height 0 Create text.. colors locations CGContextDrawLinearGradient context gradient CGPointMake rect.origin.x rect.size.width 2 rect.origin.y CGPointMake rect.origin.x rect.size.width 2 rect.origin.y rect.size.height 0 Create text CGContextSetFillColorWithColor..

UIView's frame, bounds, center, origin, when to use what?


frame bounds center origin when to use what UIView has the concept of frame bounds center and origin and they all seem to be interrelated. Most of.. frame bounds center origin when to use what UIView has the concept of frame bounds center and origin and they all seem to be interrelated. Most of the time I deal with frame when setting the position and size of a UIView.. to me when to use what. Question Under what context and what's the right time the other properties bounds center origin should be used iphone uikit share improve this question Marco's answer above is correct but just to expand on the question..

Round corners on UITableView


Then you have to position the tableview inside the rounded corner view this is done by setting the frame size and origin. My loadView class of my custom UIView looks like this self.view UIView alloc init self.view.backgroundColor UIColor clearColor.. self.view.backgroundColor UIColor clearColor CustomUIViewClass scherm CustomUIViewClass alloc init CGRect frame frame.origin.x 10 frame.origin.y 50 frame.size.width 300 frame.size.height 380 scherm.frame frame scherm.clipsToBounds YES scherm.layer.cornerRadius.. UIColor clearColor CustomUIViewClass scherm CustomUIViewClass alloc init CGRect frame frame.origin.x 10 frame.origin.y 50 frame.size.width 300 frame.size.height 380 scherm.frame frame scherm.clipsToBounds YES scherm.layer.cornerRadius 10..

How to make a UITextField move up when keyboard is present


textFieldDidBeginEditing UITextField textField Keyboard becomes visible scrollView.frame CGRectMake scrollView.frame.origin.x scrollView.frame.origin.y scrollView.frame.size.width scrollView.frame.size.height 215 50 resize void textFieldDidEndEditing.. UITextField textField Keyboard becomes visible scrollView.frame CGRectMake scrollView.frame.origin.x scrollView.frame.origin.y scrollView.frame.size.width scrollView.frame.size.height 215 50 resize void textFieldDidEndEditing UITextField textField.. void textFieldDidEndEditing UITextField textField keyboard will hide scrollView.frame CGRectMake scrollView.frame.origin.x scrollView.frame.origin.y scrollView.frame.size.width scrollView.frame.size.height 215 50 resize However this doesn't..

UIScrollview Autolayout Issue


iPhone development: pointer being freed was not allocated


CGContextTranslateCTM context 0 source.size.height CGContextScaleCTM context 1.0 1.0 UIImage original self createGrayCopy source CGContextRef context2 CGBitmapContextCreate NULL source.size.width source.size.height 8 4 source.size.width.. kCGImageAlphaNoneSkipLast CGContextDrawImage context2 CGRectMake 0 0 source.size.width source.size.height original.CGImage CGImageRef unmasked CGBitmapContextCreateImage context2 const float myMaskingColorsFrameColor 6 1 256 1 256 1.. sp.image.size.height CGContextRef context2 UIGraphicsGetCurrentContext Adjust the coordinate system so that the origin is in the lower left corner of the view and the y axis points up CGContextTranslateCTM context2 0 sp.image.size.height CGContextScaleCTM..

How can I create a big, red UIButton with the iPhone SDK?


How to set the width of a cell in a UITableView in grouped style


BOOL animated CGFloat tableBorderLeft 20 CGFloat tableBorderRight 20 CGRect tableRect self.view.frame tableRect.origin.x tableBorderLeft make the table begin a few pixels right from its origin tableRect.size.width tableBorderLeft tableBorderRight.. CGRect tableRect self.view.frame tableRect.origin.x tableBorderLeft make the table begin a few pixels right from its origin tableRect.size.width tableBorderLeft tableBorderRight reduce the width of the table tableView.frame tableRect Solution #2.. this is subclassing UITableViewCell and overriding its setFrame method like this void setFrame CGRect frame frame.origin.x inset frame.size.width 2 inset super setFrame frame Why is it better Because the other two are worse. Adjust table view..

CGContextDrawPDFPage taking up large amounts of memory


the drawing CGContextSaveGState g Clip to our bounding box CGContextClipToRect g pageRect Now we have to flip the origin to top left instead of bottom left First flip y axix CGContextScaleCTM g 1 1 Second move origin CGContextTranslateCTM g.. we have to flip the origin to top left instead of bottom left First flip y axix CGContextScaleCTM g 1 1 Second move origin CGContextTranslateCTM g 0 rect.size.height Now apply the transform to draw the page within the rect CGContextConcatCTM g..

ASSETWriterInput for making Video from UIImages on Iphone Issues


context 0 CGImageGetHeight image CGContextScaleCTM context 1.0 1.0 Flip vertically to account for different origin CGContextDrawImage context CGRectMake 0 0 CGImageGetWidth image CGImageGetHeight image image CGColorSpaceRelease rgbColorSpace..

Convert UIWebview contents to a UIImage when the webview is larger than the screen


frame of the Webview to the full content size just before you create the image. After this just set the size back to origin UIImage imageFromWebView UIWebView view tempframe to reset view size after image was created CGRect tmpFrame view.frame..

How to write text on image in objective-c iPhone?


pasted the method above UIImage img ImageUtils drawText @ Some text inImage img atPoint CGPointMake 0 0 Change the origin of the text inside the image from 0 0 to whatever point you like. To paint a rectangle of solid color behind the text add..

Why is there an frame rectangle and an bounds rectangle in an UIView?


to itself Some more clarification If you are positioning the view in its superview you almost always change the frame origin. If you are clipping where the UIView is drawing you almost always modify its bounds. Note that you are allowed to have..

Transparent Modal View on Navigation Controller


will not actually cover the navigation bar but it will cover the entire view below it. I tried playing around with the origin of the frame used to init the modalView but negative values cause it to not display. The best method that I found to cover..

How to know the UITableview row number
