

2014/10/15 ¤U¤È 10:12:22

iphone Programming Glossary: orient

OpenCV install in xcode


CGSize imageSize CGSizeMake CGImageGetWidth imgRef CGImageGetHeight imgRef CGFloat boundHeight UIImageOrientation orient image.imageOrientation switch orient case UIImageOrientationUp transform CGAffineTransformIdentity break case UIImageOrientationUpMirrored.. imgRef CGImageGetHeight imgRef CGFloat boundHeight UIImageOrientation orient image.imageOrientation switch orient case UIImageOrientationUp transform CGAffineTransformIdentity break case UIImageOrientationUpMirrored transform CGAffineTransformMakeTranslation.. transform M_PI 2.0 break default NSException raise NSInternalInconsistencyException format @ Invalid image orientation UIGraphicsBeginImageContext bounds.size CGContextRef context UIGraphicsGetCurrentContext if orient UIImageOrientationRight..

MFMailComposeViewController image orientation


image orientation I'm developing a Universal app and I'm coding for iOS6. I'm using the imagePickerController to take a photo and then.. YES completion nil else NSLog @ Device is unable to send email in its current state. iphone image email ios6 orientation share improve this question I've spent a number of hours working on this issue and I am now clear about what's.. iPhone always stores the UIImage the same way as 3264 wide and 2448 high. A UIImage has a property which describes its orientation at the time the image was captured and you can get it like this UIImageOrientation orient image.imageOrientation Note..

Convert Image to B&W problem CGContext - iPhone Dev


K I got it. What I ended up doing is finding this function that rotates images based off of transform depending on the orientation. What it does is fixes this weird rotate bug. Heres the code snippet UIImage rotateImage UIImage image int kMaxResolution.. CGSize imageSize CGSizeMake CGImageGetWidth imgRef CGImageGetHeight imgRef CGFloat boundHeight UIImageOrientation orient image.imageOrientation switch orient case UIImageOrientationUp EXIF 1 transform CGAffineTransformIdentity break case UIImageOrientationUpMirrored.. imgRef CGImageGetHeight imgRef CGFloat boundHeight UIImageOrientation orient image.imageOrientation switch orient case UIImageOrientationUp EXIF 1 transform CGAffineTransformIdentity break case UIImageOrientationUpMirrored EXIF 2 transform..

UIImagePickerController camera preview is portrait in landscape app


I launch a UIImagePickerController to take a photo but the live image displayed from the camera is in portrait orientation with blank space around it. The image is rotated. Once the camera button is pressed the preview is very messy with.. CGSize imageSize CGSizeMake CGImageGetWidth imgRef CGImageGetHeight imgRef CGFloat boundHeight UIImageOrientation orient image.imageOrientation switch orient case UIImageOrientationUp EXIF 1 transform CGAffineTransformIdentity break case UIImageOrientationUpMirrored.. imgRef CGImageGetHeight imgRef CGFloat boundHeight UIImageOrientation orient image.imageOrientation switch orient case UIImageOrientationUp EXIF 1 transform CGAffineTransformIdentity break case UIImageOrientationUpMirrored EXIF 2 transform..