

2014/10/15 ¤U¤È 10:12:23

iphone Programming Glossary: origin.x

White Text in UITextField = Invisible text in iPhone copy/paste select. Fix?


CGPoint origin textField convertPoint textField.bounds.origin toView view CGContextTranslateCTM context origin.x origin.y view.layer renderInContext context UIImage image UIGraphicsGetImageFromCurrentImageContext UIGraphicsEndImageContext..

Adjusting navigationItem.titleView's frame?


titleView.frame update it again yourself in the view controller's viewDidAppear . Using its adjusted titleView.frame.origin.x and size.width along with the screen width you can calculate the largest of the left right margins then set the origin.x.. and size.width along with the screen width you can calculate the largest of the left right margins then set the origin.x to that the size.width to the screen width minus that times 2. However that doesn't take effect until after the pushed view..

Drawing app on iPad using OpenGL


segments 2 CGPoint midPoint glDisable GL_TEXTURE_2D float x y float t 0.0 for int i 0 i segments 2 i x pow 1 t 2 origin.x 2.0 1 t t control.x t t destination.x y pow 1 t 2 origin.y 2.0 1 t t control.y t t destination.y vertices i CGPointMake..

Prevent indentation of UITableViewCell (contentView) while editing


equipped to keep whatever value constant. This ugly piece of code will keep the frame fixed to whatever value has origin.x 0 . This is easily adapted to your particular needs. put this in your UITableViewCell subclass void observeValueForKeyPath.. CGRectValue NSLog @ frame old @ new @ NSStringFromCGRect oldFrame NSStringFromCGRect newFrame if newFrame.origin.x 0 self.contentView.frame oldFrame add the cell as an observer for frame changes somewhere in initialization self.contentView.. self.contentView removeObserver self forKeyPath @ frame This will only allow the frame to change to values with an origin.x 0 . Remove the NSLog lines for Release builds. I have tested this for a few minutes and haven't seen any side effect. share..

How to gain assignment access to CGRect elements when the CGRect is an instance variable


some_class @synthesize the_rect @end After creating an instance of some_class instance_of_some_class.the_rect.origin.x 0.0 Which generates an Expression not assignable error. Of course this works fine instance_of_some_class.the_rect CGRectMake.. without having to assign the entire CGRect I suppose that I could break this out into four individual CGFloats for origin.x origin.y size.width and size.height...but you'd think there would be a way to do this with CGRects instead. What's confusing.. with CGRects instead. What's confusing is that this of course works fine CGRect test instance_of_some_class.the_rect.origin.x In other words the getter knows how to navigate the struct and pull out the value of one of its elements so I can use it...

laying out images in UIScrollView automatically


newFrame Another Edit Maybe you could try this CGPoint origin self getImageOrigin i zenbutton2.frame CGRectMake origin.x origin.y width height If that doesn't work throw in NSLog Origin Values f f origin.x origin.y to make sure that you are..

Is it possible to select the text rendered by Core Text in iPhone?


line rect can be calculated using the origin 1 ascent 2 descent 2 and offset 3 4 as shown bellow. lineRect CGRectMake origin.x offset origin.y descent offset ascent descent After doing that you can test which line has the touched point looping..