

2014/10/15 ¤U¤È 10:12:22

iphone Programming Glossary: orange

Two colors for UILabel TEXT


them if we use mutable form of CFAttributeString. Lets choose the colors we want to have in our string CGColorRef _orange UIColor orangeColor .CGColor CGColorRef _green UIColor greenColor .CGColor CGColorRef _red UIColor redColor .CGColor CGColorRef.. mutable form of CFAttributeString. Lets choose the colors we want to have in our string CGColorRef _orange UIColor orangeColor .CGColor CGColorRef _green UIColor greenColor .CGColor CGColorRef _red UIColor redColor .CGColor CGColorRef _blue UIColor.. UIColor redColor .CGColor CGColorRef _blue UIColor blueColor .CGColor Lets have our string with first 20 letters as orange next 20 letters as green next 20 as red last remaining as blue CFAttributedStringSetAttribute attrString CFRangeMake 0 20..

Change string color with NSAttributedString?


in given range integer one. self.scanLabel.text texts objectAtIndex sliderValue I want Very Bad to be red Bad to be orange Okay to be Yellow Good and Very Good to be Green. I don't understand how to use attributedstrings to get this done. iphone..

iOS Status Bar changing color to match navigation bar on its own


On startup the status bar changes its color to the color of the navigation bar. When I colored my navigation bar to orange this is what the status bar is looking like It seems that my navigation bar is shifted to the top a little bit. It appears.. alloc initWithRootViewController rootViewController navigationController.navigationBar setTintColor UIColor orangeColor self.window.rootViewController navigationController self.window makeKeyAndVisible return YES My IB file for RootViewController..

How do I make UITableViewCellAccessoryDisclosureIndicator visible in orange color instead of gray color?


do I make UITableViewCellAccessoryDisclosureIndicator visible in orange color instead of gray color I am new to iPhone development.I have created an application using UITableViewCellAccessoryDisclosureIndicator.. UITableViewCellAccessoryDisclosureIndicator It shows an indicator arrow in gray color. I want to display indicator in orange color instead of gray color. What should I do iphone objective c uitableview uitableviewcell share improve this question..

How to get touch event on a CALayer?


withEvent UIEvent event but I can't find anywhere about how to get a touch event on a CALayer object for instance an orange square floating in 3D space. I refuse to believe I'm the only one who's curious about this. I appreciate any help iphone..

Some Gap remains between Table Top and Table Header only when table loads and scrolled down to the last row?


CGRectMake 10.0f 5.0f width 25.0 tableView.tableHeaderView UIView alloc initWithFrame rectArea autorelease UIColor orange UIColor colorWithRed 255.0f 255.0f green 228.0f 255.0f blue 0.0f alpha 1.0f tableView.tableHeaderView setBackgroundColor..

SearchDisplayController search multiple arrays


result in 1 array it has to pair the result with the 3 other arrays.. Example Names apple carrot banana dog alias red orange yellow brown barcode 1 2 10 20 id 30 40 50 60 So if the user types a I should populate the table view with Apple Carrot.. logic. This logic will need to search all 4 of your arrays for hits and do the appropriate lookups i.e. to get from orange to carrot or from 50 to banana . Each time you get a hit I would put it in an NSMutableSet to prevent dupes . Then when..