

2014/10/15 ¤U¤È 10:12:22

iphone Programming Glossary: optional

NSFetchedResultsController with sections created by first letter of a string


approach is good at least in my case as long as you omit a couple of things. Here's how it's working for me Add a new optional string attribute to the entity called lastNameInitial or something to that effect . Make this property transient. This means..

iphone Core Data Unresolved error while saving


this question It means there's a mandatory property has been assigned nil. Either in your .xcodatamodel check the optional box or when you are saving to the managedObjectContext make sure that your properties are filled in. If you're getting further..

How to correctly setup a NSPredicate for a to-many relationship when using Core Data?


for a to many relationship when using Core Data I have a Core Data model in which a Task entity includes an optional to many relationship ExcludedDays to the ExcludedDay entity. One of the properties of ExcludedDay is day which is an NSDate..

How to add a UIImage in MailComposer Sheet of MFMailComposeViewController


base64EncodedString Add the encoded string to the emailBody string Don't forget the b tags are required the p tags are optional emailBody appendString NSString stringWithFormat @ p b img src 'data image png base64 @' b p base64String You could repeat..

Why should I use Core Data for my iPhone app?


Users can then add a bar from a list of bars to the foos then add a baz from a list of bazes to the bar then add some optional photo and description to the baz. Once the user is happy with their bar and baz work they then hit a sync button to upload..

How do I use the NSString draw functionality to create a UIImage from text


NULL UIGraphicsBeginImageContextWithOptions size NO 0.0 else iOS is 4.0 UIGraphicsBeginImageContext size optional add a shadow to avoid clipping the shadow you should make the context size bigger CGContextRef ctx UIGraphicsGetCurrentContext..

Generate vCard from AddressBook.framework


Objective C parse hex string to integer


string parsing hex share improve this question Joshua Weinberg's answer is mostly correct however the Ox prefix is optional when scanning hexadecimal integers. If you have a string in the format #01FFFFAB you can still use an NSScanner but you..

Saving UIView contents in iOS 4 with real size of the images inside (i.e. scale contentes up for save)


iPhone - UIImagePickerControllerDelegate inheritance


didReceiveRemoteNotification when in background


time what presentation method is used to present the push notification that is encoded in the notification itself optional alert badge number sound . But since you presumably are in control of both the app and the payload of the push notification..

Creating a JSON Store For iPhone


the runtime model layer of Model View Controller design patterned apps. Persistence is actually a secondary and even optional function of Core Data. The major modeling persistence concerns are the size of the data and the complexity of the data...

How do I set up a simple delegate to communicate between two view controllers?


ChildViewController.h @implementation ChildViewController void handleCloseButton id sender Our delegate method is optional so we should check that the delegate implements it if self.delegate respondsToSelector @selector childViewController didChooseValue..

Version vs build in XCode 4


your app in Xcode to read the Build number increment it and write it back to the app's App Info.plist file. There are optional additional steps if you want to write your version build numbers to your Settings.bundle Root .plist file s . This is extended..

When do you make an underscore in front of an instance variable? [duplicate]


Can anybody help me in recording iPhone output sound through Audio Unit


kOutputBus callbackStruct sizeof callbackStruct Disable buffer allocation for the recorder optional do this if we want to pass in our own flag 0 status AudioUnitSetProperty audioUnit kAudioUnitProperty_ShouldAllocateBuffer..

Calling a method from another class in Objective C


myClassB ClassB alloc init create an instance of ClassB myClassB.delegate self set self as the delegate myClassB optionalClassBMethod this is optional to your question. If you also want ClassA to call method from ClassB void calculate NSLog @.. create an instance of ClassB myClassB.delegate self set self as the delegate myClassB optionalClassBMethod this is optional to your question. If you also want ClassA to call method from ClassB void calculate NSLog @ Do calculate thing calculate.. void calculate method from ClassA @end @interface ClassB NSObject @property assign id ClassBDelegate delegate void optionalClassBMethod this is optional to your question. If you also want ClassA to call method from ClassB @end ClassB.m file #import..

Can't see UIScrollView content under 480px in Interface Builder


still dyld: Library not loaded


iPhone - Anyway to get iPhone's Email App Inside Your Own App?


this email MFMailComposeViewController alloc init email.mailComposeDelegate self Subject email setSubject @ Testing Optional Attachments NSData artwork UIImagePNGRepresentation UIImage imageNamed @ albumart.png email addAttachmentData artwork mimeType..

What is minimum hardware and software requirements for Iphone native apps development?


with me and develop in a variety of locations office a playground while kids play when I travel... Xcode free download Optional software I use all the time Adobe Photoshop or similar bitmap and or vector based image editing software Logic Pro or similar..

Google Analytics in iOS (Not Working)


able to opt out of tracking GAI sharedInstance .optOut NSUserDefaults standardUserDefaults boolForKey kAllowTracking Optional automatically send uncaught exceptions to Google Analytics. GAI sharedInstance .trackUncaughtExceptions YES Optional set.. Optional automatically send uncaught exceptions to Google Analytics. GAI sharedInstance .trackUncaughtExceptions YES Optional set Google Analytics dispatch interval to e.g. 20 seconds. GAI sharedInstance .dispatchInterval 5 Optional set Logger to.. YES Optional set Google Analytics dispatch interval to e.g. 20 seconds. GAI sharedInstance .dispatchInterval 5 Optional set Logger to VERBOSE for debug information. GAI sharedInstance logger setLogLevel kGAILogLevelVerbose GAI sharedInstance..

XCode 5 Crashes on AppStore Validation


developer.apple.com membercenter index.action In Certificates Identifiers Profiles select Provisioning Profiles . Optional select the old profile and then click the delete button. Click the Add button in the upper right corner. Select App Store..

iPhone Core Data: Cascading delete across a many-to-one relationship


delete rule for the B side of the relationship is Nullify if that matters. Also I read in the Core Data docs that the Optional flag matters in some cases. But it wasn't clear how the relationships they were illustrating related to my case. They were..

How can i change the color of pagination dots of UIPageControl?


property. @property nonatomic retain UIColor dotColorCurrentPage @property nonatomic retain UIColor dotColorOtherPage Optional delegate for callbacks when user taps a page dot. @property nonatomic retain NSObject PageControlDelegate delegate @end..

How to create a protocol with methods that are optional?


of the methods as optional iphone objective c share improve this question From the Apple page on Formal Protocols Optional Protocol methods can be marked as optional using the @optional keyword. Corresponding to the @optional modal keyword there..

Any way for localized ABPersonViewController?


thx iphone iphone sdk 3.0 ios4 share improve this question From ABPersonViewController docs displayedProperties Optional. Identifies the set of properties such as name or telephone number of displayedPerson the receiver displays. @property nonatomic..

Converting NSString into uint8_t


const void bytes someData bytes int length someData length Easy way uint8_t crypto_data uint8_t bytes Optional way If you plan on using crypto_data as a class variable you will need to do a memcpy since the NSData someData will get..

Displaying an EAGLView with transparent background on a UIImageView


EAGLView GLKView self.view.opaque NO NB Apple DELETES THIS VALUE FROM NIB self.view.backgroundColor UIColor clearColor Optional you can do this in NIB instead You can set the background Color in the NIB but you CANNOT set the opacity Apple seems to..

Weak-linking multiple frameworks for iPhone Apps (-weak_framework)
