

2014/10/15 ¤U¤È 10:12:23

iphone Programming Glossary: origin.y

How to make Supplementary View float in UICollectionView as Section Headers do in UITableView plain style


CGFloat headerHeight CGRectGetHeight layoutAttributes.frame CGPoint origin layoutAttributes.frame.origin origin.y MIN MAX contentOffset.y cv.contentInset.top CGRectGetMinY firstObjectAttrs.frame headerHeight CGRectGetMaxY lastObjectAttrs.frame..

White Text in UITextField = Invisible text in iPhone copy/paste select. Fix?


CGPoint origin textField convertPoint textField.bounds.origin toView view CGContextTranslateCTM context origin.x origin.y view.layer renderInContext context UIImage image UIGraphicsGetImageFromCurrentImageContext UIGraphicsEndImageContext textField.background..

Adding a header view to a UIWebView similar to Safari and Articles


subviews look for the biggest wich should contains the browser the others are for shadows and lines change its origin.y here's the code CGRect browserCanvas web.bounds for int i 0 i web.scrollView subviews count i UIView subview web.scrollView.. web.scrollView subviews objectAtIndex i CGRect f subview.frame NSLog @ sub d x .0f y .0f w .0f h .0f i f.origin.x f.origin.y f.size.width f.size.height if f.origin.x browserCanvas.origin.x f.origin.y browserCanvas.origin.y f.size.width browserCanvas.size.width.. d x .0f y .0f w .0f h .0f i f.origin.x f.origin.y f.size.width f.size.height if f.origin.x browserCanvas.origin.x f.origin.y browserCanvas.origin.y f.size.width browserCanvas.size.width f.size.height browserCanvas.size.height f.origin.y header.frame.size.height..

Drawing app on iPad using OpenGL


x y float t 0.0 for int i 0 i segments 2 i x pow 1 t 2 origin.x 2.0 1 t t control.x t t destination.x y pow 1 t 2 origin.y 2.0 1 t t control.y t t destination.y vertices i CGPointMake x y t 1.0 segments windowHeight is the height of you drawing..

UINavigationController within ViewController, gap at top of view


above the navigation controller. I've tried adjusting the frame at runtime with no perfect result. Adjusting the origin.y of the frame to 20 and increasing the height by 20 brings the view flush with the top of it's parent but it leaves a 20..

how do I calculate heightForRowAtIndexPath when the cell is not even constructed yet?


may be a smarter way of doing this. I do some sums to make the scroll adjustment based on the difference between the origin.y of the tableView cellForRowAtIndexPath of the cell first visible row on screen before and after the reload. So for e.g...

How to gain assignment access to CGRect elements when the CGRect is an instance variable


having to assign the entire CGRect I suppose that I could break this out into four individual CGFloats for origin.x origin.y size.width and size.height...but you'd think there would be a way to do this with CGRects instead. What's confusing is that.. each of the rect's members void setTheRectX CGFloat newX the_rect.origin.x newX void setTheRectY CGFloat newY the_rect.origin.y newY void setTheRectOrigin CGPoint newOrigin the_rect.origin newOrigin and so on. The issue is that when you ask for the..

laying out images in UIScrollView automatically


Another Edit Maybe you could try this CGPoint origin self getImageOrigin i zenbutton2.frame CGRectMake origin.x origin.y width height If that doesn't work throw in NSLog Origin Values f f origin.x origin.y to make sure that you are actually..

adding bounce effect to appearance of UIImageView


bounce CABasicAnimation animationWithKeyPath @ position.y bounce.duration 0.5 bounce.fromValue NSNumber numberWithInt origin.y bounce.toValue NSNumber numberWithInt target.y bounce.repeatCount 2 bounce.autoreverses YES self.imageView.layer addAnimation..

Is it possible to select the text rendered by Core Text in iPhone?


calculated using the origin 1 ascent 2 descent 2 and offset 3 4 as shown bellow. lineRect CGRectMake origin.x offset origin.y descent offset ascent descent After doing that you can test which line has the touched point looping the lines always..