

2014/10/15 ¤U¤È 10:12:22

iphone Programming Glossary: operators

Convert to Float and Calculate


to Float and Calculate I have a string with multiple digits and operators @ 5 4 9 10 . How to get the result from it I want to use it within the calculator i am using. I will have to display the..

Which are the pdf operators needed to do a search feature in a PDF in iphone sdk?


are the pdf operators needed to do a search feature in a PDF in iphone sdk I have a been trying to do a search feature in a PDF application... in a PDF application. I read the Quartz 2d guide in iphone reference library. And so much has been said about the pdf operators . It's by using them that everything is done by using call backs for them. For info about pdf operators we should read pdf.. about the pdf operators . It's by using them that everything is done by using call backs for them. For info about pdf operators we should read pdf reference of adobe. But it's very vast. Can anyone give me an idea of what these operators are OR how..

What is the right choice between NSDecimal, NSDecimalNumber, CFNumber?


and complicated to use functions like decimalNumberByAdding With Python it was easy to define __add__ to use operators with objects. Should I get float values from NSDecimalNumber then do the computations and returns the result wrapped in..

iPhone fluid simulation


ones like air. Why this works well on limited hardware is that these calculations can be done using bitwise operators and simple lookup tables without the need for any floating point calculations. You might be able to make something like..

sqlite Indexing Performance Advice


be done in a way that it can be indexed. You then express your search in terms of this derived property using binary operators etc. I found doing this reduced our search from around 1 second to under 100ms. To make things clear I would suggest looking..

PDF search on the iPhone


first as I still haven't implemented this myself. What I tried I tried using CGPDFScannerScan handling the TJ and Tj operators returns the right text on some PDF whereas on other documents it returns mostly random letters. Maybe it's related to text.. mostly random letters. Maybe it's related to text encoding Someone pointed out that text blocks marked by BT ET operators should be handled instead but I still haven't managed to do so. Anyone managed to extract text from any PDF After that searching.. rangeOfString if there's a better way please let me know . But then how to highlight the result I know there are a few operators to find the glyph sizes so I could calculate the resulting rect based on those values but I've been reading the spec for..

Multiple value enum in Obj-C


Is there any PDF parser written in objective-c or c?


Is there any framework to highlight text on pdf file after rendering on the iphone


How to compare two NSDates: Which is more recent?


unexpected results. I guess I'm doing something fundamentally wrong when comparing the two dates. I simply used the operators but I guess this is no good as I am comparing two NSDate strings. Here we go NSLog @ dB...lastModified @ dbObject.lastModifiedDate..

Using @min,@max and etc inside a predicate?


NSPredicate predicateWithFormat @ ANY SELF.score @min.score I know you can retrieve the min value using the key value operators eg NSNumber minScore myArray valueForKeyPath @ @min.score So far I only get errors about the objects not being key value.. apparently don't support the key path @min.score . NSPredicate does have support for at least some of the collection operators though. Here's a simple example that works NSDictionary d1 NSDictionary dictionaryWithObject NSNumber numberWithInt 35 forKey..