

2014/10/15 ¤U¤È 10:12:21

iphone Programming Glossary: onscreen

Styling the cancel button in a UISearchBar


bar as a subview just as you would expect. I have experimented a little and can tell you that when the button is onscreen it has a size of 48 30. So in viewWillAppear you can do something like this Find the cancel button view in searchBar subviews..

Common multithreading mistakes beginners make on iPhone


editPhotoData2 release editPhotoData3 release editPhotoData4 release break This is the edited photo that has been onscreen. Processing is now done so it is okay to release it. The UI should be updated and now have a blank black background instead..

Minimum sensible button size on iPhone


sensible button size on iPhone I'm designing an iPhone app that features a rather large set of onscreen rounded rect buttons. Given finger based touchscreen UI what do you think would be the smallest sensible button size I need..

How does undo/redo basically work on iPhone OS?


BOOL canBecomeFirstResponder return YES The view controller will need to become the first responder when it appears onscreen. This can be done by calling self becomeFirstResponder in loadView or viewDidLoad but I have found that view controllers.. by calling self becomeFirstResponder in loadView or viewDidLoad but I have found that view controllers which appear onscreen immediately after launch need to have this message delayed a bit in order for it to work self performSelector @selector..

Is it a problem when an iAd may be obscured?


would be bring your bannerView to the front self.view bringSubviewToFront bannerView and make sure it's positioned onscreen. bannerView.frame CGRectMake 0.0 0.0 bannerView.frame.size.width bannerView.frame.size.height Assuming you had an iVar IBOutlet.. experience nothing bad happens if the ad is offscreen however the iAd will not load new ads until it knows it is fully onscreen. So as you start up your app Your AdBannerView will attempt to load an advertisement whether it is onscreen or not. Depending.. is fully onscreen. So as you start up your app Your AdBannerView will attempt to load an advertisement whether it is onscreen or not. Depending on whether or not it is successful your AdBannerViewDelegate will receive either a bannerViewDidLoadAd..

iOS — how do you control the size of a modal view controller?


instead add the UIView no UIViewController to your current UIViewController's view as a subview and then animate it onscreen yourself. I think something like this would work in your UIViewController class that will present the view Add the view.. upwards UIView beginAnimations nil context nil Move the view upwards the height of your sliding view so it's entirely onscreen myHalfView.center CGPointMake myHalfView.center.x myHalfView.center.y myHalfView.bounds.size.height UIView commitAnimations..

Suspend the application


CADisplayLink OpenGL rendering breaks UIScrollView behaviour


on my CADisplayLink I don't see any interruption of the native scrolling behavior of a table view that's onscreen at the same time as the rendering. For this you can create a GCD serial dispatch queue and use it for all of your rendering..

How can I improve the performance of my custom OpenGL ES 2.0 depth texture generation?


tile based deferred rendering hardware in the iOS devices to efficiently strip out fragments that would never appear onscreen under any conditions yet still give smooth intersections between the visible sphere impostors based on per pixel depth values...

How do I create a view that stays onscreen while I switch between tabs?


do I create a view that stays onscreen while I switch between tabs I have a tab bar controller with 5 different items each representing different views. These.. that does not switch when different selections are made on the tab bar. How can I display such a view that remains onscreen at all times iphone ios cocoa touch uitabbarcontroller share improve this question Crete a shared view controller...

Record the drawing as a m4v video file - OpenGL


bounds.size.height previousLocation.y self renderLineFromPoint previousLocation toPoint location Drawings a line onscreen based on where the user touches void renderLineFromPoint CGPoint start toPoint CGPoint end static GLfloat vertexBuffer NULL..