

2014/10/15 ¤U¤È 10:12:21

iphone Programming Glossary: op

Bug in UIKit string drawing method?


target self selector @selector timerDidFire userInfo nil repeats YES void timerDidFire NSTimer timer NSBlockOperation op NSBlockOperation blockOperationWithBlock ^ CGRect rect CGRectMake 0 0 50 50 UIGraphicsBeginImageContextWithOptions CGSizeMake.. boldSystemFontOfSize 12 lineBreakMode UILineBreakModeTailTruncation UIGraphicsEndImageContext queue addOperation op You can easily replicate this crash with the code above. Anyone have any insight as to the nature of this crash and why..

Weak references inside a block


hold on the block so it has been advised to do something like the following __weak Cell weakSelf self NSBlockOperation op NSBlockOperation blockOperationWithBlock ^ UIImage image render some image what if by the time I get here self no longer.. NSOperationQueue mainQueue addOperationWithBlock ^ weakSelf setImageViewImage image self.renderQueue addOperation op So my question is let's say that by the time the image finishes rendering and that line comes back the Cell object no longer.. c ios share improve this question So __weak is a zeroing weak reference. What this means is that during your operation self may indeed be deallocated but all weak references to it namely weakSelf will be zeroed out. This means that..

How do I do an Asychronous NSURLConnection inside an NSOperation?


NSURLConnection inside of an NSOperation on a background thread. it is because I'm doing some very expensive operations on the data as they come back that want to be done as the data comes in and in background Here is my first attempt.. back that want to be done as the data comes in and in background Here is my first attempt IN my AppDelegate create the opperation and add it to the queue self.sharedOperationQueue NSOperationQueue alloc init autorelease LibXMLOperation op LibXMLOperation.. opperation and add it to the queue self.sharedOperationQueue NSOperationQueue alloc init autorelease LibXMLOperation op LibXMLOperation alloc init autorelease self.sharedOperationQueue addOperation op Here is my operation @interface EbirdLibXMLOperation..

to drawRect or not to drawRect (when should one use drawRect/Core Graphics vs subviews/images and why?)


to fully understand the when's and why's to use one over the other. I also understand that it doesn't make sense to optimize that much ahead of time and do something the more difficult way before doing any profiling. Consider that I'm comfortable.. suggested method in Apple's Table Sample Code has been suggested in several WWDC videos Practical Drawing for iOS Developers and many iOS programming books . There are even awesome looking tools to design graphics and generate Core Graphics code.. are creating a dynamic graphic that once rendered is used in multiple places I see situations to avoid Core Graphics Properties of your view need to be animated separately You have a relatively small view hierarchy so any perceived extra effort..

Keeping a UIButton selected after a touch


a touch After my user clicks a button I'd like that button to stay pushed during the time that I perform a network operation. When the network operation is complete I want the button to return to its default state. I've tried calling UIButton.. a button I'd like that button to stay pushed during the time that I perform a network operation. When the network operation is complete I want the button to return to its default state. I've tried calling UIButton setSelected YES right after.. setSelected YES right after the button push with a corresponding call to UIButton setSelected NO after my network op finishes but it doesn't seem to do anything. Same thing if I call setHighlighted . I suppose I could try swapping out the..

setKeepAliveTimeout and BackgroundTasks


and BackgroundTasks I've a big headache with the topic. I'm working on an application that needs to poll a webserver regularly in order to check for new data. Based on the returned.. All that i can do is to move the login and fetching core to the client iPhone . I noticed that Apple offers an opportunity for applications to wake up and keep opened a Socket connection ie. a VoIP application . So I started investigate.. fetching core to the client iPhone . I noticed that Apple offers an opportunity for applications to wake up and keep opened a Socket connection ie. a VoIP application . So I started investigate in this way. Added the required information in..

iOS UIImagePickerController result image orientation after upload


but viewing on the server says otherwise. iphone cocoa touch ios share improve this question A UIImage has a property imageOrientation which instructs the UIImageView and other UIImage consumers to rotate the raw image data. There's a.. uploaded jpeg image but the program you use to view it is not honoring that flag. To rotate the UIImage to display properly when uploaded you can use a category like this UIImage fixOrientation.h @interface UIImage fixOrientation UIImage fixOrientation.. UIImage fixOrientation @end UIImage fixOrientation.m @implementation UIImage fixOrientation UIImage fixOrientation No op if the orientation is already correct if self.imageOrientation UIImageOrientationUp return self We need to calculate the..

Objective-C: Asynchronously populate UITableView - how to do this?


C Asynchronously populate UITableView how to do this I can't seem to find any info on this question so I thought I'd ask the community. Basically.. request startAsynchronous The dummy request to google.com does nothing it just creates a delay and in the response I hope to repopulate the table with some JSON response from my own website. But when I try to populate the table with the colours.. The dummy request to google.com does nothing it just creates a delay and in the response I hope to repopulate the table with some JSON response from my own website. But when I try to populate the table with the colours nothing..

UITableViewCell: How to prevent blue selection background w/o borking isSelected property?


How to prevent blue selection background w o borking isSelected property I have a custom UITableViewCell subclass. I have set the contentView of my cell subclass to a custom UIView class in.. UIView class in which i am overriding drawRect and doing all of the drawing there. Also I am setting cell.contentView.opaque NO in order to achieve transparency in certain areas of the cell unfortunately a backgroud image behind the table must.. the blue gradient background from appearing but still be able to inspect the cell.isSelected and cell.isHighlighted properties from within MyContentView drawRect to determine how to draw my own custom selection highlighting. What I've tried..

How to add controls beneath a UIWebView


such a way that missing functionality will cause a graceful failure. EDIT With some discussion and experimenting the OP and I have come to the conclusion that it is very possible and there is a way to do it that doesn't rely on internals at..

Does IOS support all Unicode emojies?


is the same as u1f3c 7 which is á¼ capital iota with psili and oxia then 7 . Edit After some discussion between the OP and myself we figured out that the way to do this in Objective C is one I know as the C way U0001F3C7 uXXXX with a small..

iOS 6 shouldAutorotate: is NOT being called


it anyway. EDIT Response to repeated downvotes. Please explain why using the method I indicated is not an to quote OP indication that a rotation is about to occur. The content of the question and the title are mismatched. share improve this..

Replace unicode value in string


unicode value in string I have a string @ EOP . I want to dislpay this to user. But when i display this string in textfield It shows only OP . I tried to print that in.. I have a string @ EOP . I want to dislpay this to user. But when i display this string in textfield It shows only OP . I tried to print that in console while debugging and it shows ¿OP So E is unicode value and that's why it's having some.. i display this string in textfield It shows only OP . I tried to print that in console while debugging and it shows ¿OP So E is unicode value and that's why it's having some issue of encoding. I can fix this issue by NSString str str stringByReplacingOccurrencesOfString..

Can js/jQuery determine the orientation of the iPhone?


can listen for orientation changes by adding an event to the body body onorientationchange updateOrientation Edited by OP just on the off chance that the link dies or gets moved at some point... Value Description 0 Portrait orientation...

How to switch from Core Data automatic lightweight migration to manual?


is possible to blow out memory because a migration will have two copies of the entire database in memory. update from OP comment I think I have seen this happen also with SQLite so maybe there is something more than memory although that is a..

viewWillAppear, viewDidAppear not being called, not firing


Accessing UITextField in a custom UITableViewCell


the UITextFields iphone objective c uitableview ios uitableviewcell share improve this question I think what the OP is trying to understand is how to access the UITextField value once the user has entered data into each fields. This will..

Problemas com Parse XML - Iphone


com Parse XML Iphone English translation not by OP. Original follows. Gentleman I'm connecting to a web server and getting an XML file that has the following format xml version..

How to crop an UITextView


rightView addSubview textRight leftView release textLeft release rightView release textRight release Realising the OP wanted this to animate here is a revised version of the above method which does such. There are more hard coded values in..

Using a singleton to create an array accessible by multiple views


super allocWithZone zone return mySingleton else return nil id copyWithZone NSZone zone return self void release NO OP @end EDIT 2 This is how I'm trying to use my singleton object to have an array of objects placed in a table cell. Nothing..

Alternative to global variables in app delegate


that since it is a non critical piece of information just a float no harm is done when storing it globally. But my OOP heart hurts every time I say the word global to myself. Alternatively I have studiet singletons but as far as I have read.. that since it is a non critical piece of information just a float no harm is done when storing it globally. But my OOP heart hurts every time I say the word global to myself. perhaps you can move the state the float value to an ivar in your.. while avoiding global state. Update Your sample is pretty close to what i had imagined based on the description in the OP. It provided some additional specifics. So the sample below you'll need some additions in obvious areas to piece it all..