

2014/10/15 ¤U¤È 10:12:22

iphone Programming Glossary: openradar.appspot.com

UIActionSheet cancel button strange behaviour


when you pass the child view but in 2.2 it comes up from the bottom of the tab bar and thus covers the tab view. http openradar.appspot.com 6410780 Edit It works correctly when I change the view to be the tab bar's view sheet showInView self.parentViewController.tabBarController.view..

iPhone SDK 3.0 and symbolicatecrash not getting along?


reports. From the version provided by Apple to Alan's Quatermain's version posted on GitHub and finally from http openradar.appspot.com 6438643 . For whatever reason the best results I can get is for symbols on my own libraries to get resolved. Normally this..

iPhone: HTTPS client cert authentication


initialization is the same as in my question... I can put here more code if you want. Note that there is a bug http openradar.appspot.com 7090030 in the iphone simulator so it is not possible to work with a lot of certifcates in the simulator. share improve..

Why is UIApplicationWillChangeStatusBarFrameNotification not sent when the status bar changes height?


How to force a screen orientation in specific view controllers?


Why is object not dealloc'ed when using ARC + NSZombieEnabled


using Enable Zombie Objects. EDIT #1 per Kevin's suggestion I've submitted this to Apple and openradar at http openradar.appspot.com 10537635 . EDIT #2 clarification on a good answer First I'm an experienced iOS developer and I fully understand ARC zombie..

Setting AVMutableComposition's frameDuration
