

2014/10/15 ¤U¤È 10:12:21

iphone Programming Glossary: opacity

How can I animate the movement of a view or image along a curved path?


imageViewForAnimation Set up fade out effect CABasicAnimation fadeOutAnimation CABasicAnimation animationWithKeyPath @ opacity fadeOutAnimation setToValue NSNumber numberWithFloat 0.3 fadeOutAnimation.fillMode kCAFillModeForwards fadeOutAnimation.removedOnCompletion..

blend two uiimages


UIImage imageNamed @ top.png CGSize newSize CGSizeMake width height UIGraphicsBeginImageContext newSize Use existing opacity as is bottomImage drawInRect CGRectMake 0 0 newSize.width newSize.height Apply supplied opacity image drawInRect CGRectMake.. newSize Use existing opacity as is bottomImage drawInRect CGRectMake 0 0 newSize.width newSize.height Apply supplied opacity image drawInRect CGRectMake 0 0 newSize.width newSize.height blendMode kCGBlendModeNormal alpha 0.8 UIImage newImage UIGraphicsGetImageFromCurrentImageContext..

How do I set a background image for a grouped table view?


improve this question In another project developed using 2.2.1 I did this by setting my UITableView' s background opacity to 0 and then simply layering a UIImageView behind it using Interface Builder. This allowed me to have a fixed background..

Alpha transparent PNGs not displaying correctly in Mobile Safari


PNGs Here's how I create the PNGs In Photoshop create a 1x1 transparent canvas. Draw a white rectangle in Layer 1. Set opacity to say 30 percent Save for Web as 24 bit PNG with transparency. iphone png transparency mobile safari share improve this..

OpenGL ES iPhone - drawing anti aliased lines


share improve this question One can achieve the effect of anti aliasing very cheaply using vertices with opacity 0. Here's an image example to explain Comparison with AA You can read a paper about this here http research.microsoft.com.. You could do something along this way Colors is a pointer to unsigned bytes 4 per color . Should alternate in opacity. glColorPointer 4 GL_UNSIGNED_BYTE 0 colors glEnableClientState GL_COLOR_ARRAY points is a pointer to floats 2 per vertex..

Can I give a UIToolBar a custom background in my iPhone app?


from an image rather than the usual tinted blue black fade out I've tried giving the view a background and setting the opacity of the UIToolBar but that also affects the opacity of any UIBarButtons on it. iphone uitoolbar share improve this question.. fade out I've tried giving the view a background and setting the opacity of the UIToolBar but that also affects the opacity of any UIBarButtons on it. iphone uitoolbar share improve this question Answering my own question here Overriding the..

Make UINavigationBar transparent


Where Does A UIAlertView Live While Not Dismissed


frame 3.8 161.95 312.4 177.1 transform 1.1 0 0 1.1 0 0 opaque NO animations transform CABasicAnimation 0x4191160 opacity CABasicAnimation 0x41226f0 layer CALayer 0x4144c30 UILabel 0x4177e70 frame 12 15 260 23 text 'Name of Date' clipsToBounds..

iPhone UITableViewCell layer shadow


10 10 iphone cocoa touch uitableviewcell shadow share improve this question You need to also set the shadow opacity it defaults to 0 and you won't see anything if you don't explicitly set it. CALayer Reference cell.layer.shadowOffset CGSizeMake..

How to make a transparent UIWebView


and display it in a UIWebView. Then just put a UIImageView behind the UIWebView. I've tried to set the UIwebView's opacity to zero in IB but it didn't help. Can you help me Thanks in advance iphone cocoa touch uiwebview share improve this question..

iPhone - Draw transparent rectangle on UIView to reveal view beneath


in Interface Builder you'll find it in the View section of the view's attributes and set its background color's opacity to 0 background color is set in the same section . topView.opaque NO topView.backgroundColor UIColor clearColor If you want..

How to apply “filters” to AVCaptureVideoPreviewLayer


these video frames. You won't be able to do much with an AVCaptureVideoPreviewLayer directly aside from adjusting its opacity when overlaid with another view or layer. I have a sample application here where I grab frames from the camera and apply..

How to get touch event on a CALayer?


own question let's say you've got a bunch of CALayers in your view controller's main layer and you want them to go to opacity 0.5 when you touch them. implement this code in the .m file of your view controller class void touchesBegan NSSet touches..

What's the best approach to draw lines between views?


dynamically in a subview of the uiscrollview. Note I need them in a subview as at a later point i need to change the opacity of the view. So before I spend ages developing the code i'm a newbie so it will take me a while I looked into what i need..

UITextView background image


UIImage Shadow Trouble


with a shadow that is offset by 3 3 points and drawn with a 2.0 point blur radius. You'll probably want to tweak the opacity of the black color the forth component in components and change the shadow parameters. If you'd like to stop drawing with..