

2014/10/15 ¤U¤È 10:12:20

iphone Programming Glossary: offsetof

How to draw a line inside the fish movement (OpenGLES in iPhone)?


ld offset glVertexAttribPointer GLKVertexAttribPosition 2 GL_FLOAT GL_FALSE sizeof TexturedVertex void offset offsetof TexturedVertex geometryVertex glVertexAttribPointer GLKVertexAttribTexCoord0 2 GL_FLOAT GL_FALSE sizeof TexturedVertex void.. geometryVertex glVertexAttribPointer GLKVertexAttribTexCoord0 2 GL_FLOAT GL_FALSE sizeof TexturedVertex void offset offsetof TexturedVertex textureVertex glDrawArrays GL_TRIANGLE_STRIP 0 4 Step 2 After i draw a background image for my view am going.. ld offset glVertexAttribPointer GLKVertexAttribPosition 2 GL_FLOAT GL_FALSE sizeof TexturedVertex void offset offsetof TexturedVertex geometryVertex glVertexAttribPointer GLKVertexAttribTexCoord0 2 GL_FLOAT GL_FALSE sizeof TexturedVertex void..

iPhone: AudioBufferList init and release


UInt32 channelsPerBuffer interleaved channelsPerFrame 1 bufferList static_cast AudioBufferList calloc 1 offsetof AudioBufferList mBuffers sizeof AudioBuffer numBuffers bufferList mNumberBuffers numBuffers for UInt32 bufferIndex 0 bufferIndex..

Use of VAO around VBO in Open ES iPhone app Causes EXC_BAD_ACCESS When Call to glDrawElements


DirectVertices GL_STATIC_DRAW glVertexAttribPointer directPositionSlot 2 GL_FLOAT GL_FALSE sizeof DirectVertex GLvoid offsetof DirectVertex position glEnableVertexAttribArray directPositionSlot glVertexAttribPointer texCoordSlot 2 GL_UNSIGNED_BYTE.. directPositionSlot glVertexAttribPointer texCoordSlot 2 GL_UNSIGNED_BYTE GL_FALSE sizeof DirectVertex GLvoid offsetof DirectVertex texCoord glEnableVertexAttribArray texCoordSlot glGenVertexArraysOES 1 arrayObject glBindVertexArrayOES arrayObject.. positionSlot glVertexAttribPointer colorSlot 4 GL_UNSIGNED_BYTE GL_FALSE sizeof Vertex GLvoid offsetof Vertex Color glEnableVertexAttribArray colorSlot GLuint indexBuffer glGenBuffers 1 indexBuffer glBindBuffer GL_ELEMENT_ARRAY_BUFFER..

USB communication between iPad and Mac or PC


socket PF_LOCAL SOCK_STREAM 0 endpoint.sun_family AF_LOCAL strncpy endpoint.sun_path var run usbmuxd 17 size offsetof struct sockaddr_un sun_path strlen endpoint.sun_path 1 connect _usbMuxSocket struct sockaddr endpoint size After that you..