

2014/10/15 ¤U¤È 10:12:20

iphone Programming Glossary: offsety

Center content of UIScrollView when smaller


scrollView.contentSize.width scrollView.bounds.size.width scrollView.contentSize.width 0.5 0.0 CGFloat offsetY scrollView.bounds.size.height scrollView.contentSize.height scrollView.bounds.size.height scrollView.contentSize.height..

Recreate recipient bubble behaviour in Mail.app / Three20


0.0 textWidth 2.0 capPadding textSize.height double offsetX CGRectGetMaxX myRect CGRectGetMaxX badgeBounds 2.0 double offsetY CGRectGetMaxY myRect CGRectGetMaxY badgeBounds 2.0 badgeBounds CGRectOffset badgeBounds offsetX offsetY textBounds CGRectOffset.. 2.0 double offsetY CGRectGetMaxY myRect CGRectGetMaxY badgeBounds 2.0 badgeBounds CGRectOffset badgeBounds offsetX offsetY textBounds CGRectOffset textBounds offsetX offsetY CGContextFillEllipseInRect context CGRectMake badgeBounds.origin.x badgeBounds.origin.y.. badgeBounds 2.0 badgeBounds CGRectOffset badgeBounds offsetX offsetY textBounds CGRectOffset textBounds offsetX offsetY CGContextFillEllipseInRect context CGRectMake badgeBounds.origin.x badgeBounds.origin.y capDiameter capDiameter CGContextFillEllipseInRect..

Capturing zoomed preview view in AVFoundation


now calculate the offset x and offset y CGFloat offsetX image.size.width 2 orgSize.width 2 CGFloat offsetY image.size.height 2 orgSize.height 2 crop the image from the offset position to the original width and height image image.. 2 crop the image from the offset position to the original width and height image image croppedImage CGRectMake offsetX offsetY orgSize.width orgSize.height UIButton imgBtn UIButton self.view viewWithTag 500 imgBtn setImage image forState UIControlStateNormal..

How do I add a scrollable/zoomable image into the MainView.xib of a Utility Based iPhone Application


scrollView.contentSize.width scrollView.bounds.size.width scrollView.contentSize.width 0.5 0.0 CGFloat offsetY scrollView.bounds.size.height scrollView.contentSize.height scrollView.bounds.size.height scrollView.contentSize.height.. 0.5 0.0 mySubView.center CGPointMake scrollView.contentSize.width 0.5 offsetX scrollView.contentSize.height 0.5 offsetY void viewDidUnload super viewDidUnload Release any retained subviews of the main view. e.g. self.myOutlet nil void viewWillAppear..

Cost of message dispatch in Objective-C


make for a better design. A case in my current project is that I have a class with instance variables offsetX and offsetY. I often want the absolute offset and at the moment I have this line of code all over the place int absOffset offsetX 0.0.. offset and at the moment I have this line of code all over the place int absOffset offsetX 0.0 offsetX offsetX offsetY 0.0 offsetY offsetY Now if this was C I would create an inline function that returned the value for absOffset. Even in Java.. and at the moment I have this line of code all over the place int absOffset offsetX 0.0 offsetX offsetX offsetY 0.0 offsetY offsetY Now if this was C I would create an inline function that returned the value for absOffset. Even in Java C# I could..