

2014/10/15 ¤U¤È 10:12:20

iphone Programming Glossary: oftype

Implementation of “Automatic Lightweight Migration” for Core Data (iPhone)


nil return managedObjectModel NSString path NSBundle mainBundle pathForResource @ YOURDB ofType @ momd NSURL momURL NSURL fileURLWithPath path managedObjectModel NSManagedObjectModel alloc initWithContentsOfURL..

Difference between [UIImage imageNamed…] and [UIImage imageWithData…]?


imageNamed fullFileName or NSString fileLocation NSBundle mainBundle pathForResource fileName ofType extension NSData imageData NSData dataWithContentsOfFile fileLocation UIImage imageWithData imageData..

iPhone Facebook Video Upload


working. My current code is NSString filePath NSBundle mainBundle pathForResource @ TestMovie ofType @ mp4 NSData data NSData dataWithContentsOfFile filePath NSMutableDictionary params NSMutableDictionary.. kApiKey _upload.appSecret kApiSecret NSString filePath NSBundle mainBundle pathForResource @ Test ofType @ mp4 NSURL fileURL NSURL fileURLWithPath filePath NSData data NSData dataWithContentsOfFile filePath..

Play music in the background using AVAudioplayer


used following code NSString soundFilePath NSBundle mainBundle pathForResource @ Day At The Beach ofType @ mp3 NSURL fileURL NSURL alloc initFileURLWithPath soundFilePath NSError error playerTemp AVAudioPlayer.. viewDidLoad NSURL url NSURL fileURLWithPath NSBundle mainBundle pathForResource @ in the storm ofType @ mp3 AVAudioPlayer audioPlayer AVAudioPlayer alloc initWithContentsOfURL url error nil AVAudioSession..

iCloud basics and code sample [closed]


of an UIDocument I'll have to overwrite two methods. First BOOL loadFromContents id contents ofType NSString typeName error NSError outError to get files from the cloud and then id contentsForType NSString.. documentText _text @synthesize delegate _delegate READING BOOL loadFromContents id contents ofType NSString typeName error NSError outError NSLog @ UIDocument loadFromContents state d typeName @ self.documentState..

How to write data in plist?


nil NSPropertyListFormat format NSString plistPath NSBundle mainBundle pathForResource @ save ofType @ plist NSData plistXML NSFileManager defaultManager contentsAtPath plistPath NSMutableDictionary temp..

Implementation of “Automatic Lightweight Migration” for Core Data (iPhone)


YOURDB NSManagedObjectModel managedObjectModel if managedObjectModel nil return managedObjectModel NSString path NSBundle mainBundle pathForResource @ YOURDB ofType @ momd NSURL momURL NSURL fileURLWithPath path managedObjectModel NSManagedObjectModel alloc initWithContentsOfURL momURL return managedObjectModel share improve..

Difference between [UIImage imageNamed…] and [UIImage imageWithData…]?


from the file system. There's 2 easy ways to do this UIImage imageNamed fullFileName or NSString fileLocation NSBundle mainBundle pathForResource fileName ofType extension NSData imageData NSData dataWithContentsOfFile fileLocation UIImage imageWithData imageData I prefer the first one because it's a lot less code but I..

iPhone Facebook Video Upload


delegate self However I can't seem to get my video uploading working. My current code is NSString filePath NSBundle mainBundle pathForResource @ TestMovie ofType @ mp4 NSData data NSData dataWithContentsOfFile filePath NSMutableDictionary params NSMutableDictionary dictionaryWithObjectsAndKeys data @ video nil @ callback.. _upload.accessToken _facebook.accessToken _upload.apiKey kApiKey _upload.appSecret kApiSecret NSString filePath NSBundle mainBundle pathForResource @ Test ofType @ mp4 NSURL fileURL NSURL fileURLWithPath filePath NSData data NSData dataWithContentsOfFile filePath NSMutableDictionary params NSMutableDictionary dictionaryWithObjectsAndKeys..

Play music in the background using AVAudioplayer


none of them worked. Please help need to do it today. I had used following code NSString soundFilePath NSBundle mainBundle pathForResource @ Day At The Beach ofType @ mp3 NSURL fileURL NSURL alloc initFileURLWithPath soundFilePath NSError error playerTemp AVAudioPlayer alloc initWithContentsOfURL fileURL error error playerTemp.numberOfLoops.. code in your controller's view did load method like this void viewDidLoad NSURL url NSURL fileURLWithPath NSBundle mainBundle pathForResource @ in the storm ofType @ mp3 AVAudioPlayer audioPlayer AVAudioPlayer alloc initWithContentsOfURL url error nil AVAudioSession sharedInstance setCategory AVAudioSessionCategoryPlayback..

iCloud basics and code sample [closed]


of how iCloud is supposed to work. When I create a new instance of an UIDocument I'll have to overwrite two methods. First BOOL loadFromContents id contents ofType NSString typeName error NSError outError to get files from the cloud and then id contentsForType NSString typeName error NSError outError to get files into the.. ViewController.h @implementation MyTextDocument @synthesize documentText _text @synthesize delegate _delegate READING BOOL loadFromContents id contents ofType NSString typeName error NSError outError NSLog @ UIDocument loadFromContents state d typeName @ self.documentState typeName if contents length 0 self.documentText..

How to write data in plist?


stored within my .app plist. The code is here NSString errorDesc nil NSPropertyListFormat format NSString plistPath NSBundle mainBundle pathForResource @ save ofType @ plist NSData plistXML NSFileManager defaultManager contentsAtPath plistPath NSMutableDictionary temp NSMutableDictionary NSPropertyListSerialization propertyListFromData..

Implementation of “Automatic Lightweight Migration” for Core Data (iPhone)


if managedObjectModel nil return managedObjectModel NSString path NSBundle mainBundle pathForResource @ YOURDB ofType @ momd NSURL momURL NSURL fileURLWithPath path managedObjectModel NSManagedObjectModel alloc initWithContentsOfURL momURL..

Reading PDF files as string through iPhone application


28 MyDisplayPDFPage UIGraphicsGetCurrentContext initialPage NSBundle mainBundle pathForResource @ MobileHIG ofType @ pdf UTF8String imgV.image UIGraphicsGetImageFromCurrentImageContext imgV.image imgV.image rotate UIImageOrientationDownMirrored.. CGSizeMake 720 720 MyDisplayPDFPage UIGraphicsGetCurrentContext page NSBundle mainBundle pathForResource @ MobileHIG ofType @ pdf UTF8String CATransition transition CATransition animation transition.duration 0.75 transition.timingFunction CAMediaTimingFunction..

iPhone : can we open pdf file using UIWebView?


UIWebView alloc initWithFrame CGRectMake 10 10 200 200 NSString path NSBundle mainBundle pathForResource @ document ofType @ pdf NSURL targetURL NSURL fileURLWithPath path NSURLRequest request NSURLRequest requestWithURL targetURL webView loadRequest..

Difference between [UIImage imageNamed…] and [UIImage imageWithData…]?


ways to do this UIImage imageNamed fullFileName or NSString fileLocation NSBundle mainBundle pathForResource fileName ofType extension NSData imageData NSData dataWithContentsOfFile fileLocation UIImage imageWithData imageData I prefer the first..

Can you make the settings in Settings.bundle default even if you don't open the Settings App


@ name void registerDefaultsFromSettingsBundle NSString settingsBundle NSBundle mainBundle pathForResource @ Settings ofType @ bundle if settingsBundle NSLog @ Could not find Settings.bundle return NSDictionary settings NSDictionary dictionaryWithContentsOfFile..

iPhone Facebook Video Upload


get my video uploading working. My current code is NSString filePath NSBundle mainBundle pathForResource @ TestMovie ofType @ mp4 NSData data NSData dataWithContentsOfFile filePath NSMutableDictionary params NSMutableDictionary dictionaryWithObjectsAndKeys.. _upload.apiKey kApiKey _upload.appSecret kApiSecret NSString filePath NSBundle mainBundle pathForResource @ Test ofType @ mp4 NSURL fileURL NSURL fileURLWithPath filePath NSData data NSData dataWithContentsOfFile filePath NSMutableDictionary..

Play music in the background using AVAudioplayer


do it today. I had used following code NSString soundFilePath NSBundle mainBundle pathForResource @ Day At The Beach ofType @ mp3 NSURL fileURL NSURL alloc initFileURLWithPath soundFilePath NSError error playerTemp AVAudioPlayer alloc initWithContentsOfURL.. method like this void viewDidLoad NSURL url NSURL fileURLWithPath NSBundle mainBundle pathForResource @ in the storm ofType @ mp3 AVAudioPlayer audioPlayer AVAudioPlayer alloc initWithContentsOfURL url error nil AVAudioSession sharedInstance setCategory..

iCloud basics and code sample [closed]


I create a new instance of an UIDocument I'll have to overwrite two methods. First BOOL loadFromContents id contents ofType NSString typeName error NSError outError to get files from the cloud and then id contentsForType NSString typeName error.. MyTextDocument @synthesize documentText _text @synthesize delegate _delegate READING BOOL loadFromContents id contents ofType NSString typeName error NSError outError NSLog @ UIDocument loadFromContents state d typeName @ self.documentState typeName..

Sound stop playing [duplicate]


when another one is pressed void playOnce NSString aSound NSString path NSBundle mainBundle pathForResource aSound ofType @ caf AVAudioPlayer theAudio AVAudioPlayer alloc initWithContentsOfURL NSURL fileURLWithPath path error NULL theAudio setDelegate.. setVolume 1.0 theAudio play void playLooped NSString aSound NSString path NSBundle mainBundle pathForResource aSound ofType @ caf AVAudioPlayer theAudio AVAudioPlayer alloc initWithContentsOfURL NSURL fileURLWithPath path error NULL theAudio setDelegate.. dealloc theAudio release @end void playOnce NSString aSound NSString path NSBundle mainBundle pathForResource aSound ofType @ caf if theAudio theAudio AVAudioPlayer alloc initWithContentsOfURL NSURL fileURLWithPath path error NULL theAudio setDelegate..

iPhone - Sound overlapping with multiple button presses


when another one is pressed void playOnce NSString aSound NSString path NSBundle mainBundle pathForResource aSound ofType @ caf AVAudioPlayer theAudio AVAudioPlayer alloc initWithContentsOfURL NSURL fileURLWithPath path error NULL theAudio setDelegate.. setVolume 1.0 theAudio play void playLooped NSString aSound NSString path NSBundle mainBundle pathForResource aSound ofType @ caf AVAudioPlayer theAudio AVAudioPlayer alloc initWithContentsOfURL NSURL fileURLWithPath path error NULL theAudio setDelegate.. dealloc theAudio release @end void playOnce NSString aSound NSString path NSBundle mainBundle pathForResource aSound ofType @ caf if theAudio theAudio AVAudioPlayer alloc initWithContentsOfURL NSURL fileURLWithPath path error NULL theAudio setDelegate..

How to write data in plist?


here NSString errorDesc nil NSPropertyListFormat format NSString plistPath NSBundle mainBundle pathForResource @ save ofType @ plist NSData plistXML NSFileManager defaultManager contentsAtPath plistPath NSMutableDictionary temp NSMutableDictionary..