

2014/10/15 ¤U¤È 10:12:21

iphone Programming Glossary: one's

How can I have references between two classes in Objective-C?


C and also the class.h and class.m structure. Now I have two classes that both need to have a variable of the other one's type. But it just seems impossible. If in class1.m or class2.m I include class1.h and then class2.h I can't declare class2..

iPhone - UILabel containing text with multiple fonts at the same time


with a different format font color etc as you desire.. Move the second one over the first based on where the first one's text ends. You can get that via sizeWithFont forWidth lineBreakMode Alternatively you can subclass UILabel and draw the..

Accessing crash logs on iPhones used for ad hoc distribution


crash logs on iPhones used for ad hoc distribution When using one's own iPhone for development it's easy enough to access any crash logs via XCode Organizer Crash Logs. How does one access.. somewhere in APPDATA on Windows. You can use the iPhone Configuration Utility for Mac OS X on any Mac to access the phone's console and crash logs. Note the iPhone Web Configuration Utility which is available for Windows and Mac note the web in..

How do I reset the scale/zoom of a web app on an orientation change on the iPhone?


there doesn't seem to be an obvious solution I've seen this question asked a couple of times on Stack Overflow and no one's yet been able to answer it. When I start the app in portrait mode it works fine. Then I rotate into landscape and it's scaled..

UITableView Multiple Selection


CGContextDrawImage very slow on iPhone 4


very slow on iPhone 4 I use CGBitmapContextRef for large alterable image. Than I draw one's parts in UIView.drawRect. That's work well on iPhone 3GS 17FPS. But on iPhone 4 calling subj method is very slow and total..

What's the best way to put a c-struct in an NSArray?


For example typedef struct _Megapoint float w x y z Megapoint So what's the normal best idiomatic way to store one's own structure like that in an NSArray and how do you handle memory in that idiom Please note that I am specifically looking..

difference between accessing a property via “propertyname” versus “self.propertyname” in objective-c?


c Can you cover in the answer What is best practice How do the two approaches affect memory management retain counts one's responsibilities for memory management Any other advantages disadvantages The assumption for the scenario could be based..

What are the Dangers of Method Swizzling in Objective C?


what's going on. But looking at the alternative way we've done swizzling above it's pretty easy to understand. This one's already been solved Difficult to debug One of the confusions during debugging is seeing a strange backtrace where the swizzled..

MKAnnotationView - Lock custom annotation view to pin on location updates


Lock custom annotation view to pin on location updates Update #5 I guess it's bounty time. 100 views and no one's taken a stab even with the code sample I've posted. How about some reputation points Update #4 This is a pretty complicated..

Finding the closest point to a given point


but I can't seem to find the best approach to this. I have about 22000 lat lon points and I want to find the closest one's to the current location of the iPhone. I've seen people ask about Quad Trees Dijkstra's Algorithm and spatial databases...