

2014/10/15 ¤U¤È 10:15:58

iphone Programming Glossary: window.rootviewcontroller

Unable to start my application in full screen on iPhone 6.0 Simulator Retina 4 Inch


my AppDelegate.m like this viewControllerMain ViewControllerMain alloc init window addSubview viewControllerMain.view window.rootViewController viewControllerMain edit #2 Editing frame I managed to achieve full screen mode but it's not working as it should. I do this.. application.statusBarOrientation UIInterfaceOrientationLandscapeRight mainViewController MainViewController alloc init window.rootViewController mainViewController Override point for customization after application launch window setFrame UIScreen mainScreen .bounds..

Screen height compatible in iphone5 and iphone4 [duplicate]


screen that's exactly 640x1136 pixels in size and name default 568h@2x.png if you have problem with rotation check a window.rootViewController firstViewcontroller dont add view to your window b implement the new rorate delegate function Use viewDidLayoutSubviews..

Incorrect rotation of a view controller in iOS 6


in to the Apple dev forums check out this thread . Basically this is the information that helped me 1. I had to set window.rootViewController mainViewController in BOOL application UIApplication application didFinishLaunchingWithOptions NSDictionary launchOptions..

“Application windows are expected to have a root view controller” conditional appearance


ViewController as my window's root view controller by doing this ViewController vcB UIViewController alloc init window.rootViewController vcB But I keep getting a warning that says Incompatible pointer types initializing 'ViewController __strong' with an expression..

Animate change of view controllers without using navigation controller stack, subviews or modal controllers?


replace a view w a different view must occur with views at least a level below the first view added to the window e.g. window.rootViewController.view.anotherView . I've implemented a simple container class I called TransitionController . You can find it at https gist.github.com.. vc MyViewContoller alloc init... self.transitionController TransitionController alloc initWithViewController vc self.window.rootViewController self.transitionController self.window makeKeyAndVisible return YES To transition to a new view controller from any view.. and the single view controller. Make sure you don't retain a view controller anywhere outside of assigning it to window.rootViewController . Code to animate transition in app delegate void transitionToViewController UIViewController viewController withTransition..

What does setting the UIWindow's rootViewController do?


“Apple Mach-O linker command failed with exit code 1”


SVProgressHUD.h @implementation QuotesAppDelegate void startLoading call this in your app delegate instead of setting window.rootViewController to your main view controller you can show a UIActivityIndiocatorView here or something if you like SVProgressHUD show self..