

2014/10/15 ¤U¤È 10:15:59

iphone Programming Glossary: withmask

Any idea why this image masking code does not work?


UIImage out of them which contains the results of the masking operation with this code UIImage maskImage UIImage image withMask UIImage maskImage CGImageRef maskRef maskImage.CGImage CGImageRef mask CGImageMaskCreate CGImageGetWidth maskRef CGImageGetHeight.. maskImage UIImage imageNamed @ theMaskPNG8_Grayscale_NoAlpha.png UIImage maskedImage MyGraphicUtils maskImage image withMask maskImage UIImageView testImageView UIImageView alloc initWithImage maskedImage testImageView.backgroundColor UIColor clearColor..

How can i add two uiimageview and save it to iphone photo gallery in iphone application development?


CGSize size UIImage croppedImage UIImage myImage CGRect bounds masking the image .... UIImage maskImage UIImage image withMask UIImage maskImage @end .m file #import UIImage MyImage.h @implementation UIImage MyImage void beginImageContextWithSize.. imageRef CGImageRelease imageRef CGSize asd croppedImage.size return croppedImage UIImage maskImage UIImage image withMask UIImage maskImage CGImageRef maskRef maskImage.CGImage CGImageRef mask CGImageMaskCreate CGImageGetWidth maskRef CGImageGetHeight..

how to add watermark on a exist image


CGImageCreateWithMask.Pass the existing image and the watermark image to this function UIImage maskImage UIImage image withMask UIImage maskImage CGImageRef maskRef maskImage.CGImage CGImageRef mask CGImageMaskCreate CGImageGetWidth maskRef CGImageGetHeight..

How to Mask an UIImageView


UIImage imageNamed @ dogs.png UIImage mask UIImage imageNamed @ mask.png UIImage maskedImage self maskImage OrigImage withMask mask myUIIMage.image maskedImage iphone objective c ios uiimage mask share improve this question The tutorial uses.. UIImage mask UIImage imageNamed @ mask.png result of the masking method UIImage maskedImage self maskImage image withMask mask ... UIImage maskImage UIImage image withMask UIImage maskImage CGImageRef maskRef maskImage.CGImage CGImageRef mask.. of the masking method UIImage maskedImage self maskImage image withMask mask ... UIImage maskImage UIImage image withMask UIImage maskImage CGImageRef maskRef maskImage.CGImage CGImageRef mask CGImageMaskCreate CGImageGetWidth maskRef CGImageGetHeight..

Is there an SDK to draw lines on iOS with touch?


clearColor mouseMoved 0 _drawingPenColor UIColor alloc initWithWhite 0.0 alpha 1.0 void maskImage UIImage image withMask UIImage maskImage CGImageRef maskRef maskImage.CGImage CGImageRef mask CGImageMaskCreate CGImageGetWidth maskRef CGImageGetHeight..

How to mask an image in IOS sdk?


processing uiimage share improve this question You can use this code got from here UIImage maskImage UIImage image withMask UIImage maskImage CGImageRef maskRef maskImage.CGImage CGImageRef mask CGImageMaskCreate CGImageGetWidth maskRef CGImageGetHeight..