

2014/10/15 ¤U¤È 10:15:59

iphone Programming Glossary: withextension

AVAudioPlayer, No Sound


to my class and added the frameworks to my project and am using this code to play a sound void playSound NSString name withExtension NSString extension NSURL soundUrl NSURL fileURLWithPath NSBundle mainBundle pathForResource name ofType extension AVAudioPlayer.. error nil audioPlayer.delegate self audioPlayer.volume 1.0 audioPlayer play I call it like this self playSound @ wrong withExtension @ wav Zero sound. Any help is much appreciated thanks. iphone objective c audio share improve this question Updated..

openURL a local file or force UIDocumentInteractionController to use a specific app


filePath UIApplication sharedApplication openURL fileURL also NSURL fileURL NSBundle mainBundle URLForResource @ test withExtension @ ext UIApplication sharedApplication openURL fileURL also manually using strings with different variations of localhost..

Cannot create an NSPersistentStoreCoordinator with a nil model after deleting app from device


if __managedObjectModel nil return __managedObjectModel NSURL modelURL NSBundle mainBundle URLForResource @ Name withExtension @ momd if NSFileManager defaultManager fileExistsAtPath modelURL path NSLog @ @ modelURL path This is printed because file..

Core Data: UIManagedDocument or AppDelegate to setup core data stack?


if __managedObjectModel nil return __managedObjectModel NSURL modelURL NSBundle mainBundle URLForResource @ Model withExtension @ momd __managedObjectModel NSManagedObjectModel alloc initWithContentsOfURL modelURL return __managedObjectModel Returns..

Get specific Value between Javascript Function by NSRegularExpression?


file data.txt to my test application and loaded that data with NSURL url NSBundle mainBundle URLForResource @ data.txt withExtension nil NSError error NSString locationStr NSString stringWithContentsOfURL url encoding NSUTF8StringEncoding error error and..

A complete solution to LOCALLY validate an in-app receipts and bundle receipts on iOS 7


fp if p7 return nil NSData data NSURL certificateURL NSBundle mainBundle URLForResource @ AppleIncRootCertificate withExtension @ cer NSData certificateData NSData dataWithContentsOfURL certificateURL if self verifyPCKS7 p7 withCertificateData certificateData..

Open a .webarchive on the iphone?


just works for loading a webarchive on your bundle just do NSURL fileURL NSBundle mainBundle URLForResource @ myFile withExtension @ webarchive webView loadRequest NSURLRequest requestWithURL fileURL webview is your UIWebview share improve this answer..

MPMoviePlayerController switching movies causes white flash


movieTwoItem void viewDidLoad load the two movies NSURL movieOneItemURL NSBundle mainBundle URLForResource @ movieOne withExtension @ mp4 AVURLAsset movieOneItemAsset AVURLAsset URLAssetWithURL movieOneItemURL options nil self.movieOneItem AVPlayerItem.. object self.movieOneItem NSURL movieTwoItemURL NSBundle mainBundle URLForResource @ movieTwo withExtension @ mp4 AVURLAsset movieTwoItemAsset AVURLAsset URLAssetWithURL movieTwoItemURL options nil self.movieTwoItem AVPlayerItem..

OGG Vorbis in iPhone sdk


listener setPosition CGPointMake 0 0 self.audioSource PASoundMgr sharedSoundManager addSound @ trance loop withExtension @ ogg position CGPointMake 0 0 looped YES lower music track volume and play it self.audioSource setGain 0.5f IBAction play..

Display local UIImage on UIWebview


use javascript to set the path to your image using the following method. NSBundle mainBundle URLForResource @ myimage withExtension @ png Edit Check here Link to resources inside WebView iPhone . It looks like you will use pathForResource rather than URLForResource...

Unit Test can't find Core Data model file


Unfortunately the unit test keeps returning null NSURL dataModelURL NSBundle mainBundle URLForResource @ myDataModel withExtension @ momd I can see the myDataModel.xdatamodeld folder and file in BOTH the main target and the unit testing target's Compile..

Example or explanation of Core Data Migration with multiple passes?


for NSString mappingModelName in mappingModelNames NSURL fileURL NSBundle mainBundle URLForResource mappingModelName withExtension @ cdm NSMappingModel mappingModel NSMappingModel alloc initWithContentsOfURL fileURL BOOL ok migrationManager migrateStoreFromURL..

Make movie file with picture Array and song file, using AVAsset


AVMediaTypeAudio outputSettings audioSettings retain NSURL fileURL NSBundle mainBundle URLForResource @ Big_Voice_1 withExtension @ caf NSLog @ @ fileURL AVAsset asset AVURLAsset URLAssetWithURL fileURL options nil retain AVAssetReader audioReader..

core data application is Crashing in iphone device


if managedObjectModel nil return managedObjectModel NSURL modelURL NSBundle mainBundle URLForResource @ TouristGuide withExtension @ momd managedObjectModel NSManagedObjectModel alloc initWithContentsOfURL modelURL NSLog @ @ modelURL return managedObjectModel.. for me when I got stuck change your code from this NSURL modelURL NSBundle mainBundle URLForResource @ TouristGuide withExtension @ momd to this NSURL modelURL NSBundle mainBundle URLForResource @ TouristGuide withExtension @ mom ...change momd to mom.. @ TouristGuide withExtension @ momd to this NSURL modelURL NSBundle mainBundle URLForResource @ TouristGuide withExtension @ mom ...change momd to mom . Then delete the app from device or simulator Clean build folder clean and rebuild and re run..

Detect if the user has touched the screen


managedObjectModel if managedObjectModel NSURL modelURL NSBundle mainBundle URLForResource @ PageFlipper withExtension @ momd managedObjectModel NSManagedObjectModel alloc initWithContentsOfURL modelURL return managedObjectModel Returns..