

2014/10/15 ¤U¤È 10:15:59

iphone Programming Glossary: withanimation

How to get a rotated, zoomed and panned image from an UIImageView at its full resolution?


self faceImageView addGestureRecognizer panRecognizer UIApplication sharedApplication setStatusBarHidden YES withAnimation UIStatusBarAnimationNone appDelegate fadeObject moveIcons StartAlpha 0 FinishAlpha 1 Duration 2 currentTimer NSTimer timerWithTimeInterval..

iOS Hiding tab bar in iOS 6 creates black bar (fix for iOS 6 breaks iOS 7!)


self hideTabBar self.tabBarController UIApplication sharedApplication setStatusBarHidden TRUE withAnimation UIStatusBarAnimationSlide else self showTabBar self.tabBarController UIApplication sharedApplication setStatusBarHidden.. else self showTabBar self.tabBarController UIApplication sharedApplication setStatusBarHidden FALSE withAnimation UIStatusBarAnimationSlide void hideTabBar UITabBarController tabbarcontroller CGRect screenRect UIScreen mainScreen bounds..

How to hide UITabBarController programmatically?


UIView so you can hide it and animate it like you would with a standard UIView. void hideTheTabBarWithAnimation BOOL withAnimation if NO withAnimation theTabBar setHidden YES else UIView beginAnimations nil context nil UIView setAnimationDelegate nil.. hide it and animate it like you would with a standard UIView. void hideTheTabBarWithAnimation BOOL withAnimation if NO withAnimation theTabBar setHidden YES else UIView beginAnimations nil context nil UIView setAnimationDelegate nil UIView setAnimationDuration..

Can iPad/iPhone Touch Points be Wrong Due to Calibration?


didFinishLaunchingWithOptions NSDictionary launchOptions UIApplication sharedApplication setStatusBarHidden YES withAnimation UIStatusBarAnimationSlide Override point for customization after app launch viewController.view.multipleTouchEnabled YES..

Suppressing line specific XCode compiler warnings


warnings by line For instance if UIApplication sharedApplication respondsToSelector @selector setStatusBarHidden withAnimation UIApplication sharedApplication setStatusBarHidden YES withAnimation UIStatusBarAnimationSlide else UIApplication sharedApplication.. respondsToSelector @selector setStatusBarHidden withAnimation UIApplication sharedApplication setStatusBarHidden YES withAnimation UIStatusBarAnimationSlide else UIApplication sharedApplication setStatusBarHidden YES animated NO causes deprecation warning.. hidden animated BOOL animated @end if UIApplication sharedApplication respondsToSelector @selector setStatusBarHidden withAnimation UIApplication sharedApplication setStatusBarHidden YES withAnimation UIStatusBarAnimationSlide else id UIApplicationDeprecatedMethods..

Calling the appropriate setStatusBarHidden per iOS version


but I got emails from users says it crash. I figured out that UIApplication sharedApplication setStatusBarHidden YES withAnimation UIStatusBarAnimationSlide Is the problem Because users have firmware 3.1.x this API is not working and app crash. So I have.. it with if UIDevice currentDevice systemVersion floatValue 3.2 UIApplication sharedApplication setStatusBarHidden YES withAnimation UIStatusBarAnimationSlide else UIApplication sharedApplication setStatusBarHidden YES animated YES My questions... Is what.. YES animated YES My questions... Is what I did the best solution Why XCODE did not warn me that SetStatusBarHidden withAnimation is not in 3.0 while I set my Traget OS firmware 3.0 Do I have to check on every API to see if it is working with my Target..

Hide StatusBar from MPMoviePlayerController


moviePlayer void moviePlayerEvent NSNotification aNotification UIApplication sharedApplication setStatusBarHidden YES withAnimation NO NSLog @ i UIApplication sharedApplication .statusBarHidden In the console I can see that moviePlayerEvent is fired when.. fired when the movie appears but the statusbar is still there UIApplication sharedApplication setStatusBarHidden YES withAnimation NO seems to be inoperant. I've been trying to use the other MPMoviePlayerController notifications with no luck. Could anyone..

How to hide control before MPMoviePlayerController movie is played?


UIInterfaceOrientationLandscapeLeft animated NO UIApplication sharedApplication setStatusBarHidden YES withAnimation UIStatusBarAnimationNone Add movie player as subview self view addSubview moviePlayer view Play the movie moviePlayer play..

Detect if the user has touched the screen


self window rootViewController setToolbarHidden NO animated NO UIApplication sharedApplication setStatusBarHidden YES withAnimation UIStatusBarAnimationFade pagesTableViewController release collectionViewController release self window makeKeyAndVisible..

Record the drawing as a m4v video file - OpenGL


animated NO Now show the status bar but animate to the style. application setStatusBarHidden NO withAnimation YES Load the sounds NSBundle mainBundle NSBundle mainBundle erasingSound SoundEffect alloc initWithContentsOfFile mainBundle..