

2014/10/15 ¤U¤È 10:15:59

iphone Programming Glossary: withgetvars

Login to Facebook using FBGraph


App like Prints the information of user which is logged in FbGraphResponse fb_graph_response fbGraph doGraphGet @ me withGetVars nil NSLog @ getMeButtonPressed @ fb_graph_response.htmlResponse or the list of friends FbGraphResponse fb_graph_response.. or the list of friends FbGraphResponse fb_graph_response fbGraph doGraphGet @ me friends withGetVars nil NSLog @ getMeFriendsButtonPressed @ fb_graph_response.htmlResponse And this is doGraphGet method in FbGraph.m FbGraphResponse.. @ fb_graph_response.htmlResponse And this is doGraphGet method in FbGraph.m FbGraphResponse doGraphGet NSString action withGetVars NSDictionary get_vars NSString url_string NSString stringWithFormat @ https graph.facebook.com @ action tack on any get..

UIImage in uitableViewcell slowdowns scrolling table


alloc init image loadImagewithUrlString getString FbGraphResponse fb_graph_response fbGraph doGraphGet get_string withGetVars nil UIImageView image_view UIImageView alloc initWithImage fb_graph_response.imageResponse cell.imageView.image image_view.image..

iphone ShareKit with Video upload for facebook?


Load Facebook friends into UITableView


improve this question void getFriendsResponse FbGraphResponse fb_graph_response fbGraph doGraphGet @ me friends withGetVars nil me feed parse our json SBJSON parser SBJSON alloc init NSDictionary facebook_response parser objectWithString fb_graph_response.htmlResponse..