

2014/10/15 ¤U¤È 10:15:59

iphone Programming Glossary: witherror

Problem dispatching with google mobile analytics for iphone


@ UA xxxxxx x dispatchPeriod 10 delegate self NSError error GANTracker sharedTracker trackPageview @ home withError &error This is the delegate method void trackerDispatchDidComplete GANTracker tracker eventsDispatched NSUInteger eventsDispatched..

How can my iPhone Objective-C code get notified of Javascript errors in a UIWebView?


void webView WebView webView failedToParseSource NSString source baseLineNumber unsigned lineNumber fromURL NSURL url withError NSError error forWebFrame WebFrame webFrame NSLog @ NSDD called failedToParseSource url @ line d error @ nsource @ url lineNumber..

Core Data Inferred Migration ??Automatic “lightweight” vs Manual


5.1436 3.8920 automatic lightweight migration completed PROFILE 5.5435 0.3999 delegate CacheManagerDidFinishMigration withError Manual inferred migration PROFILE CacheManager migrateStore PROFILE 0.6660 0.6660 models loaded PROFILE 1.1471 0.4811 inferred.. PROFILE 22.6952 21.1894 manual migration completed PROFILE 23.1478 0.4525 delegate CacheManagerDidFinishMigration withError So with an inferred model the manual migration takes over 5 times longer than automatic UPDATE Model loading Core Data documentation..

Actual frequency of device motion updates lower than expected, but scales up with setting


updateInterval CMDeviceMotionHandler motionHandler ^ CMDeviceMotion motion NSError error self processMotion motion withError error motionManager startDeviceMotionUpdatesToQueue NSOperationQueue currentQueue withHandler motionHandler This works but..

Alternative to Singleton in Objective-C for better application design


kGANDispatchPeriodSec delegate nil Track page view GANTracker sharedTracker trackPageview @ app_entry_point withError error The beauty of the above code is once you have initialized using the method startTrackerWithAccountID you can run method..

How can I resolve this iCloud Error?


not succed null 2012 01 20 17 10 48.030 MyApp 407 4c0b PFUbiquityBaselineRecoveryOperation resolveConflictsForBaseline withError 186 CoreData Ubiquity Baseline conflict resolution had trouble initializing a conflicting baseline version PFUbiquityBaseline..