

2014/10/15 ¤U¤È 10:15:59

iphone Programming Glossary: wiring

iPhone - Memory Leak - NSData dataWithContentsOfUrl & UIWebView


happening When ViewController.xib is loaded an instance of UIWebView is allocated and initialized. Since you're not wiring it up anywhere it's not getting released. I think you need to wire it up and release it in your backing View Controller's..

InterfaceBuilder - UIViewController subclass not recognized as subclass


controller and then load your custom NIB which is what the tab bar you have defined is doing right now because the wiring in your custom view will have nothing to attach to. Thus make sure each view controller defined under each tab in MainWindow.xib..

how to customize UILabel clickable


the message would be defined as void userTappedOnLink UIGestureRecognizer gestureRecognizer . This works the same as wiring up any other UIControl subclass such as a button. Other notes don't try to add the same gesture recognizer to multiple views..

Strange behavior of select/dropdown's onchange() JS event when using 'Next' on Mobile Safari Dropdown list item select box


I didn't check the Targeted for iPad option when creating a View Controller. How can I fix my UIView to be targeted for iPad devices using XCode 4.2?


devices. I need my application to remain consistent and I'd rather not start from scratch re making my Nib file and re wiring it to my ViewController.h file. How can I fix my Nib and View Controller so that it behaves as if it is Targeted for iPad..