

2014/10/15 ¤U¤È 10:15:03

iphone Programming Glossary: toview

Check Uncheck buttons in uitableview's cell


id sender Getting the indexPath of cell of clicked button CGPoint touchPoint sender convertPoint CGPointZero toView tblView NSIndexPath indexPath tblView indexPathForRowAtPoint touchPoint No need to use tag sender will keep the reference..

iPhone crashing when presenting modal view controller


EXC_BAD_ACCESS . error. The stack trace is 0 0x30b43234 in UIWindowController transitionViewDidComplete fromView toView 1 0x3095828e in UITransitionView notifyDidCompleteTransition 2 0x3091af0d in UIViewAnimationState sendDelegateAnimationDidStop..

Dragging an UIView inside UIScrollView


UIView hitTest CGPoint point withEvent UIEvent event UIView tile contentView pointInsideTiles self convertPoint point toView contentView withEvent event if tile return tile else return super hitTest point withEvent event Content subview has this.. CGPoint point withEvent UIEvent event for TileView tile in tiles if tile pointInside self convertPoint point toView tile withEvent event return tile return nil And tile view has this method void touchesMoved NSSet touches withEvent UIEvent..

Detecting which UIButton was pressed in a UITableView


from that coordinate void checkButtonTapped id sender CGPoint buttonPosition sender convertPoint CGPointZero toView self.tableView NSIndexPath indexPath self.tableView indexPathForRowAtPoint buttonPosition if indexPath nil ... share improve..

UIKeyboardBoundsUserInfoKey is deprecated, what to use instead?


animationCurve CGRect newFrame textView.frame CGRect keyboardFrame self.view convertRect keyboardEndFrame toView nil newFrame.origin.y keyboardFrame.size.height up 1 1 textView.frame newFrame UIView commitAnimations share improve this..

Figure out UIBarButtonItem frame in window?


this question Do you like to use private API s If yes UIView view thatItem.view return view convertRect view.bounds toView nil Of course no one wants this when targeting the AppStore. A more unreliable method and also uses undocumented features.. buttons addObject btn UIView view buttons objectAtIndex index buttons release return view convertRect view.bounds toView nil The index is the index to your bar item in the array of .items after removing all blank items . This assumes the buttons..

How can I click a button behind a transparent UIView?


for UIView view in self.subviews if view.hidden view.userInteractionEnabled view pointInside self convertPoint point toView view withEvent event return YES return NO @end Using this view as a container will allow any of its children to receive..

UIApplication sharedApplication - keyWindow is nil?


coordinates and have realized that UIApplication keyWindow is always nil why is this I have tried the convertPoint toView method from UIView. Please see this sample code I tried in the view controller in a template of Xcode View application void.. UIColor redColor self.view addSubview test CGPoint p CGPointMake 100 100 CGPoint np np test convertPoint p toView UIApplication sharedApplication keyWindow NSLog @ p @ np @ NSStringFromCGPoint p NSStringFromCGPoint np AppDelegate appDel.. NSStringFromCGPoint np AppDelegate appDel AppDelegate UIApplication sharedApplication .delegate np test convertPoint p toView appDel window NSLog @ p @ np @ NSStringFromCGPoint p NSStringFromCGPoint np np test convertPoint p toView nil NSLog @ p..

viewWillAppear, viewDidAppear not being called, not firing


to the stack RootController viewDidDisappear UINavigationController navigationTransitionView didEndTransition fromView toView ... Second the call stack when another tab is selected in the top most UITabBarController RootController viewDidDisappear.. viewDidDisappear UINavigationController viewDidDisappear UITabBarController transitionFromViewController toViewController transition shouldSetSelected So in all cases it seems that Apple decided that controllers should be calling the..

How programatically move a UIScrollView to focus in a control above keyboard?


UITextField textField svos scrollView.contentOffset CGPoint pt CGRect rc textField bounds rc textField convertRect rc toView scrollView pt rc.origin pt.x 0 pt.y 60 scrollView setContentOffset pt animated YES BOOL textFieldShouldReturn UITextField..

UIView vertical flip animation


which have been around since iOS 2.0 . Example usage UIView transitionFromView viewToReplace toView replacementView duration 1 options UIViewAnimationOptionTransitionFlipFromBottom completion nil The above code will vertically..

How to get touch event on a CALayer?


1 for UITouch touch in touches CGPoint point touch locationInView touch view point touch view convertPoint point toView nil CALayer layer CALayer self.view.layer.presentationLayer hitTest point layer layer.modelLayer layer.opacity 0.5 share..

How to resize UITextView on iOS when a keyboard appears?


animationCurve CGRect newFrame textView.frame CGRect keyboardFrame self.view convertRect keyboardEndFrame toView nil keyboardFrame.size.height tabBarController.tabBar.frame.size.height newFrame.size.height keyboardFrame.size.height up..

Animate change of view controllers without using navigation controller stack, subviews or modal controllers?


withTransition UIViewAnimationOptions transition UIView transitionFromView self.window.rootViewController.view toView viewController.view duration 0.65f options transition completion ^ BOOL finished self.window.rootViewController viewController..

How to know the UITableview row number


navigation are too much work . Do this in your action method CGPoint hitPoint sender convertPoint CGPointZero toView self.tableView NSIndexPath hitIndex self.tableView indexPathForRowAtPoint hitPoint Works with any type of view multi section..