

2014/10/15 ¤U¤È 10:15:03

iphone Programming Glossary: traditional

Pros and cons of using storyboards


When to use Core Data's NSMainQueueConcurrencyType?


that MOC has a child MOC that was initialized using NSPrivateQueueConcurrencyType To give some background my app has a traditional structure whereby the main table view is driven by a NSFetchedResultsController and data are imported asynchronously from..

How to remain logged in until user decides to logout?


designed to consume APIs. Usually APIs are stateless meaning that there is no such thing as state between requests. On traditional websites state is achieved by transmitting cookies back and forth between client and server. Apparently RestKit does not..

Declaration/definition of variables locations in ObjectiveC?


really puzzled by the different locations where one could be declaring and defining variables. On one hand we have the traditional C approach on the other we have the new ObjectiveC directives that add OO on top of that. Could you folks helps me understand..

Security When Using REST API in an iPhone Application


from my application People being able to abuse the additional scopes that my client ID will allow them to have and traditional API users will not have My guess is that there's not really a solution to this problem other than using UIWebView and making..

Write to a File in Monotouch


Way. Every iPhone app and you'll see the same thing for apps on OS X is a bundle which isn't an executable in the traditional sense but actually a folder hierarchy inside of which your app binary lives along with resources settings etc. . Because..

How do i compile a static library (fat) for armv6, armv7 and i386


them merge these libraries into a fat file using lipo EDIT I need to build not using Xcode but compiling directly a traditional unix library. iphone xcode static libraries universal binary fat binaries share improve this question Just use libtool..

Support legacy iPhone users


most users to update The application itself doesn't really need anything introduced in the new OS but some of the traditional animation techniques are now discouraged in favor of their block based counterparts. This is fine for me I'd prefer to use..

Can Core Data handle my “system vs. user data” migration needs?


Is this possible feasible with Core Data Or perhaps I should just use a plain database solution e.g. SQLite and traditional create read update delete operations Thanks iphone core data data migration share improve this question You should..

What does this ^ syntax mean in Objective-C?


make it easy for programmers to define self contained units of work. Blocks are similar to but far more powerful than traditional function pointers. The key differences are Blocks can be defined inline as œanonymous functions. Blocks capture read only..

iphone: How to do kCATransitionPush without any fade? [duplicate]


share improve this question Just use normal UIView animations. You can use block based animations but I prefer the traditional style since it works on 3.0 CGRect pageFrame currentPage.frame CGFloat pageWidth pageFrame.size.width nextPage.frame CGRectOffset..

Fork() on iPhone


on iPhone Does the the iPhone SDK allow fork and pipe the traditional unix functions I can't seem to make them work. Edit Problem solved. Here I offer a solution to anybody who encounters problems..

Where to begin when developing web applications for smartphones


to your implementation i.e. client authentication session management security. Second way of doing it is the traditional way where your servcer side language generates based on the requests the HTML of your web application. In this case you..

NSMutableString as retain/copy


program's duration you can use CF APIs to create strings which are never released or are managed beyond the scope of traditional retain release mechanisms NS Type subclasses could implement another scheme although usual considerations of this are flawed..

Why is viewDidLoad called twice when the rootViewController property of UIWindow is set?


0x0002bc93 in UIApplicationMain #17 0x000020d9 in main Is this desired behavior or a bug Should we still use the more traditional way of connecting an outlet to the root view controller in the application delegate to maintain a sane viewDidLoad viewDidUnload..

long polling in objective-C


real time updates on the website. They use what they call a long polling technique Long polling is a variation of the traditional polling technique and allows emulation of an information push from a server to a client. With long polling the client requests..

What are the differences between nil, NULL and [NSNULL nil]?


be equal to the value zero and although you could use them interchangeably the former is seen mainly within Obj C for traditional pointers like setting void context pointers to NULL and nil is used for all Obj C object references. The difference exists..

Is there an advantage to using blocks over functions in Objective-C?


its value at the time myBlock was defined is captured. From Apple's documentation Blocks are a useful alternative to traditional callback functions for two main reasons They allow you to write code at the point of invocation that is executed later in..

Storyboard static cells: dequeueReusableCellWithIdentifier returns nil
