

2014/10/15 ¤U¤È 10:15:03

iphone Programming Glossary: tp30001066

Show PDF in iPad using CGPDF APIs


mac library documentation GraphicsImaging Conceptual drawingwithquartz2d dq_pdf dq_pdf.html# apple_ref doc uid TP30001066 CH214 TPXREF109 I have spent a lot of time on this and it seems you need to use CATiledLayers to zoom those PDFs properly..

Cocoa Touch - Comparing Images


library documentation GraphicsImaging Conceptual drawingwithquartz2d dq_context dq_context.html# apple_ref doc uid TP30001066 CH203 CJBHBFFE The difference for you is that you're drawing an existing image into the context. Use CGContextDrawImage..

How to generate a thumbnails form a PDF document with iPhone SDK?


ios #documentation GraphicsImaging Conceptual drawingwithquartz2d dq_pdf_scan dq_pdf_scan.html# apple_ref doc uid TP30001066 CH220 TPXREF101 but i do not know how to generate the thubmnails from a PDF document... Any idea sample code iphone pdf..

pdf file text reading and searching


mac #documentation GraphicsImaging Conceptual drawingwithquartz2d dq_pdf_scan dq_pdf_scan.html# apple_ref doc uid TP30001066 CH220 CJBDCGCB Reading PDF files as string through iPhone application Thanks shyam parmar iphone xcode ipad pdf ios4 ..

How to create PDF document using iPhone SDK? [duplicate]


UIImage Shadow Trouble


library documentation GraphicsImaging Conceptual drawingwithquartz2d dq_shadows dq_shadows.html# apple_ref doc uid TP30001066 CH208 TPXREF101 Next try adding something like this right before the call to CGContextDrawImage ... CGFloat components 4..