

2014/10/15 ¤U¤È 10:15:03

iphone Programming Glossary: transaction

Verify receipt for in App purchase


et. al is left as an exercise for the readership BOOL verifyReceipt SKPaymentTransaction transaction NSString jsonObjectString self encode uint8_t transaction.transactionReceipt.bytes length transaction.transactionReceipt.length.. BOOL verifyReceipt SKPaymentTransaction transaction NSString jsonObjectString self encode uint8_t transaction.transactionReceipt.bytes length transaction.transactionReceipt.length NSString completeString NSString.. SKPaymentTransaction transaction NSString jsonObjectString self encode uint8_t transaction.transactionReceipt.bytes length transaction.transactionReceipt.length NSString completeString NSString stringWithFormat..

Has anyone implemented the PayPal API through a native iPhone app?


way to stay in app is to give them a UIWebView of the paypal mobile site and let them complete the transaction there otherwise the user would need to use their API key. Does this sound right and has anyone got or.. Just keep checking the UIWebview in the delegate method for this address and then you know the transaction is complete. Then you send one more HTTP Post similar to the one above to Paypal to finalize the transaction... is complete. Then you send one more HTTP Post similar to the one above to Paypal to finalize the transaction. You can find the API information in the Paypal Mobile Checkout API docs. share improve this answer..

Verify receipt for in App purchase


are a few typos in the posted code. Try this. Disclaimer Refactoring et. al is left as an exercise for the readership BOOL verifyReceipt SKPaymentTransaction transaction NSString jsonObjectString self encode uint8_t transaction.transactionReceipt.bytes length transaction.transactionReceipt.length NSString completeString NSString.. Refactoring et. al is left as an exercise for the readership BOOL verifyReceipt SKPaymentTransaction transaction NSString jsonObjectString self encode uint8_t transaction.transactionReceipt.bytes length transaction.transactionReceipt.length NSString completeString NSString stringWithFormat @ http url for your php receipt @ jsonObjectString.. et. al is left as an exercise for the readership BOOL verifyReceipt SKPaymentTransaction transaction NSString jsonObjectString self encode uint8_t transaction.transactionReceipt.bytes length transaction.transactionReceipt.length NSString completeString NSString stringWithFormat @ http url for your php receipt @ jsonObjectString ..

Has anyone implemented the PayPal API through a native iPhone app?


PayPal API through a native iPhone app It seems the only way to stay in app is to give them a UIWebView of the paypal mobile site and let them complete the transaction there otherwise the user would need to use their API key. Does this sound right and has anyone got or seen any sample code I have to think this is a common piece.. you specify a return URL which you can make anything you want. Just keep checking the UIWebview in the delegate method for this address and then you know the transaction is complete. Then you send one more HTTP Post similar to the one above to Paypal to finalize the transaction. You can find the API information in the Paypal Mobile..

Verify receipt for in App purchase


this. Disclaimer Refactoring et. al is left as an exercise for the readership BOOL verifyReceipt SKPaymentTransaction transaction NSString jsonObjectString self encode uint8_t transaction.transactionReceipt.bytes length transaction.transactionReceipt.length.. for the readership BOOL verifyReceipt SKPaymentTransaction transaction NSString jsonObjectString self encode uint8_t transaction.transactionReceipt.bytes length transaction.transactionReceipt.length NSString completeString NSString stringWithFormat.. BOOL verifyReceipt SKPaymentTransaction transaction NSString jsonObjectString self encode uint8_t transaction.transactionReceipt.bytes length transaction.transactionReceipt.length NSString completeString NSString stringWithFormat @ http url for..

How can my server securely authenticate iPhone in-app purchase?


Vulnerable Approach The server can authenticate a purchase by doing the following The iPhone application receives a transactionReceipt after the purchase. Have the iPhone base64 encode it You can use this open source addition to NSData and send it.. it before validation. Have your server send a JSON request with the single key receipt data with the base64 encoded transactionReceipt to https buy.itunes.apple.com verifyReceipt using an HTTP POST. For directions on how to do this in various server.. you check for that. You can also validate other fields from the receipt if you want to verify other details of the transaction. For example if your product is a subscription you'll like want to look at the transaction date as well. Also users cannot..

When to use restoreCompletedTransactions for in-app purchases?


for using SKPaymentQueue's restoreCompletedTransactions Observations I know it's recommended to always register a transaction observer to receive pending transactions that make their way back to the app but this is a different question. It looks.. Observations I know it's recommended to always register a transaction observer to receive pending transactions that make their way back to the app but this is a different question. It looks like restoreCompletedTransactions is something.. want to call restoreCompletedTransactions every single time the app launches just to be safe and basically get back transactions I already know about 99.9 of the time. Except for in app purchasing my app doesn't really require any network connectivity...

iPhone storekit sandbox stopped working


to store OK 2 Purchase item get Confirm your In App Purchase alert as normal 3 click buy 4a My code gets a failed transaction with error code 2 and description cannot connect to itunes store via the void paymentQueue SKPaymentQueue queue updatedTransactions.. description cannot connect to itunes store via the void paymentQueue SKPaymentQueue queue updatedTransactions NSArray transactions method. SKPaymentQueue defaultQueue finishTransaction transaction is being called in this situation. 4b The user gets an.. SKPaymentQueue queue updatedTransactions NSArray transactions method. SKPaymentQueue defaultQueue finishTransaction transaction is being called in this situation. 4b The user gets an alert You've already purchased this but it hasn't been downloaded..

Is there a way to instantiate a NSManagedObject without inserting it?


let the user work on it. Then when the user clicks on the Save button i will call the save function. so down to code transaction Transaction NSEntityDescription insertNewObjectForEntityForName @ Transaction inManagedObjectContext self.managedObjectContext..

How to detect “IAP crackers”?


iphone objective c cydia share improve this question The best solution at the moment seems to be verifying IAP transactions using an external server then sending back some sort of device specific key to unlock the paid item that can only be generated.. of some piece of data that it'll get from your web server. Modify your IAP processing code so that when it sees a transaction processed it sends the details of that transaction to your web server and fetches back the unique key needed in step 1... web server. Modify your IAP processing code so that when it sees a transaction processed it sends the details of that transaction to your web server and fetches back the unique key needed in step 1. Write a simple script on your web server that takes..

Has anyone implemented the PayPal API through a native iPhone app?


It seems the only way to stay in app is to give them a UIWebView of the paypal mobile site and let them complete the transaction there otherwise the user would need to use their API key. Does this sound right and has anyone got or seen any sample code.. make anything you want. Just keep checking the UIWebview in the delegate method for this address and then you know the transaction is complete. Then you send one more HTTP Post similar to the one above to Paypal to finalize the transaction. You can find..

Apple reject because of In app purchase not implement restore [closed]


Restore feature to allow users to restore the previously purchased In App Purchase s as specified in Restoring Transactions section of the In App Purchase Programming Guide ...if your application supports product types that must be restorable.. and I followed the sample code but after I called void checkPurchasedItems SKPaymentQueue defaultQueue restoreCompletedTransactions another delegate was not fired void paymentQueueRestoreCompletedTransactionsFinished SKPaymentQueue queue It only popups.. defaultQueue restoreCompletedTransactions another delegate was not fired void paymentQueueRestoreCompletedTransactionsFinished SKPaymentQueue queue It only popups an alert view to let you enter your Apple ID ... and nothing happened I set..

How to download In-App hosted content?


When I want to download the products from Apple I do something like this void paymentQueue SKPaymentQueue queue updatedTransactions NSArray transactions for SKPaymentTransaction transaction in transactions switch transaction.transactionState case SKPaymentTransactionStatePurchased.. I do something like this void paymentQueue SKPaymentQueue queue updatedTransactions NSArray transactions for SKPaymentTransaction transaction in transactions switch transaction.transactionState case SKPaymentTransactionStatePurchased SKPaymentQueue.. transactions for SKPaymentTransaction transaction in transactions switch transaction.transactionState case SKPaymentTransactionStatePurchased SKPaymentQueue defaultQueue startDownloads transaction.downloads .... void paymentQueue SKPaymentQueue queue..

iPhone development: pointer being freed was not allocated


main UIApplicationMain GSEventRun GSEventRunModal CFRunLoopRunInMode CFRunLoopRunSpecific __CFRunLoopDoObservers CA Transaction observer_callback __CFRunLoopObserver unsigned long void CA Transaction commit CA Context commit_transaction CA Transaction.. CFRunLoopRunSpecific __CFRunLoopDoObservers CA Transaction observer_callback __CFRunLoopObserver unsigned long void CA Transaction commit CA Context commit_transaction CA Transaction CALayerDisplayIfNeeded CALayer _display CABackingStoreUpdate backing_callback.. observer_callback __CFRunLoopObserver unsigned long void CA Transaction commit CA Context commit_transaction CA Transaction CALayerDisplayIfNeeded CALayer _display CABackingStoreUpdate backing_callback CGContext void CALayer drawInContext UIView..

How can my server securely authenticate iPhone in-app purchase?


you should also let the user re authorize . Re authorizing should get the receipt from the store using a Restored Transaction and re send it to the server just as though this was a new purchase. This should rarely need to be used but should be available..

How do you add a In-app purchase to an iPhone application?


purchase SKProduct product SKPayment payment SKPayment paymentWithProduct product SKPaymentQueue defaultQueue addTransactionObserver self SKPaymentQueue defaultQueue addPayment payment IBAction restore this is called when the user restores purchases.. when the user restores purchases you should hook this up to a button SKPaymentQueue defaultQueue restoreCompletedTransactions void paymentQueueRestoreCompletedTransactionsFinished SKPaymentQueue queue NSLog @ received restored transactions i queue.transactions.count.. hook this up to a button SKPaymentQueue defaultQueue restoreCompletedTransactions void paymentQueueRestoreCompletedTransactionsFinished SKPaymentQueue queue NSLog @ received restored transactions i queue.transactions.count for SKPaymentTransaction..

Is there a way to instantiate a NSManagedObject without inserting it?


there a way to instantiate a NSManagedObject without inserting it I have a user interface to insert a Transaction. once the user clicks on a plus he gets the screen and i want to instantiate my Core Data NSManagedObject entity let the.. work on it. Then when the user clicks on the Save button i will call the save function. so down to code transaction Transaction NSEntityDescription insertNewObjectForEntityForName @ Transaction inManagedObjectContext self.managedObjectContext even.. call the save function. so down to code transaction Transaction NSEntityDescription insertNewObjectForEntityForName @ Transaction inManagedObjectContext self.managedObjectContext even if i dont call save its going to show up on my table self.managedObjectContext..

Reg: modifying layer that is being finalized… [CALayer frame]: message sent to deallocated instance 0xe43c520


#9 0x00f5917c in CALayerLayoutIfNeeded #10 0x00f5237c in CA Context commit_transaction #11 0x00f520d0 in CA Transaction commit #12 0x00f827d5 in CA Transaction observer_callback #13 0x019e7fbb in __CFRUNLOOP_IS_CALLING_OUT_TO_AN_OBSERVER_CALLBACK_FUNCTION__.. #10 0x00f5237c in CA Context commit_transaction #11 0x00f520d0 in CA Transaction commit #12 0x00f827d5 in CA Transaction observer_callback #13 0x019e7fbb in __CFRUNLOOP_IS_CALLING_OUT_TO_AN_OBSERVER_CALLBACK_FUNCTION__ #14 0x0197d0e7 in __CFRunLoopDoObservers..

rest web services in iphone


NSString urlString NSString stringWithFormat @ https 8443 axis2 services C3WebService completeWithdrawal Transaction transactionId @ password @ _transactionID.text _userPassword.text NSURL url NSURL alloc initWithString urlString NSString..

Managing Core Data iCloud Transaction Logs


Core Data iCloud Transaction Logs I am using iCloud with Core Data based on the SQLite Library style application design as specified by Apple. While..