

2014/10/15 ¤U¤È 10:15:03

iphone Programming Glossary: tpl

matchTemplate opencv not working as shown in opencv document


code is below void matchPatchNet IplImage res CvPoint minloc maxloc double minval maxval int img_width img_height int tpl_width tpl_height int res_width res_height NSString pathPatron NSBundle mainBundle pathForResource @ timage ofType @ jpg.. void matchPatchNet IplImage res CvPoint minloc maxloc double minval maxval int img_width img_height int tpl_width tpl_height int res_width res_height NSString pathPatron NSBundle mainBundle pathForResource @ timage ofType @ jpg UIImage tim.. jpg UIImage tim2 UIImage imageWithContentsOfFile pathPatron2 IplImage img self CreateIplImageFromUIImage tim2 IplImage tpl self CreateIplImageFromUIImage tim cv Mat forground1 tim2 CVMat cv Mat forground2 tim CVMat img_width img width img_height..

Font size render in iphone


i can confirm i've put the same size to all of them. How do i fix this You can check the site on http www.ilsegnale.it tpl 502 The piece of text i'm talking about it the one under approfondimento box iphone css browser fonts mobile safari share..