

2014/10/15 ¤U¤È 10:15:03

iphone Programming Glossary: tran

Start a location-aware background service in iOS on boot


AudioQueue how to find out playback length of queued data


_fileHandle seekToEndOfFile _sampleRate _fileDataFormat.mSampleRate _totalReadBytes 0 AudioFramePacketTranslation tran .mFrame 0 .mPacket packetCount 1 .mFrameOffsetInPacket 0 tran.mFrame 0 tran.mFrameOffsetInPacket 0 tran.mPacket 1 UInt32.. _totalReadBytes 0 AudioFramePacketTranslation tran .mFrame 0 .mPacket packetCount 1 .mFrameOffsetInPacket 0 tran.mFrame 0 tran.mFrameOffsetInPacket 0 tran.mPacket 1 UInt32 size sizeof tran theErr AudioFileGetProperty audioFile kAudioFilePropertyPacketToFrame.. 0 AudioFramePacketTranslation tran .mFrame 0 .mPacket packetCount 1 .mFrameOffsetInPacket 0 tran.mFrame 0 tran.mFrameOffsetInPacket 0 tran.mPacket 1 UInt32 size sizeof tran theErr AudioFileGetProperty audioFile kAudioFilePropertyPacketToFrame..

Why is XCode archive acting different than XCode build/run on iPhone


device though. When I say it acts funny it is animating a sliding UIView in the wrong axis. I do perform a rotation transformation on the UIView before I animate it though. But again it works fine when run directly from XCode even on iOS 3 and.. UIImage copy nil CGContextRef ctxt nil CGImageRef imag image.CGImage CGRect rect CGRectZero CGAffineTransform tran CGAffineTransformIdentity rect.size.width CGImageGetWidth imag rect.size.height CGImageGetHeight imag bnds rect bnds swapWidthAndHeight.. rect.size.width CGImageGetWidth imag rect.size.height CGImageGetHeight imag bnds rect bnds swapWidthAndHeight bnds tran CGAffineTransformMakeTranslation rect.size.height 0.0 tran CGAffineTransformRotate tran M_PI 2.0 UIGraphicsBeginImageContext..