

c++ Programming Glossary: gizmo

Is the destructor called if the constructor throws an exception?


struct Class Class ~Class Thing m_pThing Object m_aObject Gizmo m_pGizmo Data m_aData Class Class this m_pThing new Thing this.. Class ~Class Thing m_pThing Object m_aObject Gizmo m_pGizmo Data m_aData Class Class this m_pThing new Thing this m_pGizmo.. Data m_aData Class Class this m_pThing new Thing this m_pGizmo new Gizmo The order of creation will be m_aObject will have..

C++ static member variable and its initialization


Rule . If the language were to allow something like struct Gizmo static string name Foo then name would be defined in each translation.. a shortcut or syntactic sugar. So this is allowed struct Gizmo static const int count 42 So long as a the expression is const..